I have been researching ancient religions of the Levant for about 5 years now and I will tell you with extreme confidence that the majority of Christian beliefs come from Egypt. Older Judaism is more a mix of Egyptian,Babylonian, Zoroastism , and northern Syria.
We have to remember the Hebrew Scriptures were just collected writings and were never intended to be Jewish dogma or doctrine till much later.
Getting back to Christianity, there's evidence that there were already mystery temples round the Roman Empire of the worship of Serapis a Osiris, Greek highbread god, before the invention of Jesus. All one has to do is read the book of the dead and other writtings from Egypt as well as look at the walls of the temples etc and you'll see the similarities. There's even at least two virgin birth illustrations of a son of god on the walls in side the temple complex at Luxor.
Dont let the controversy over whether or not Horus is Jesus stump you with your research. The truth is it's more about the Osiris cult then Horus. Osiris is resurrected as his son Horus just one clue. But to go on you'll find on the walls of temples depictions of circumcision, anointing, baptizing, etc.
And let's not forget the most important part of both religions , when one dies he or she is judged on their heart condition and if they are sinful their heart is eaten and their body is cast off into the lake of fire but if their heart is pure they rejoin their body with their spirit and move on to paradise called the "Field of reads" to be reunited with family and friends to live forever. And if they happen to be a son of god a pharaoh they get to go to heaven and by with the gods.