I think the GB instructed the Chilean congregations to go ahead and fly the flag because they were not going to pay the $400 dollar fine as of course the Chilean congregations don't have that kind of money each year.
JoinedPosts by Crazyguy
2017 Kingdom Hall in Chile with Flag with Meeting
by ILoveTTATT2 infinally, after 5 years, we have received footage that shows, unmistakably, that there was a flag in the kingdom hall, while a meeting was happening.here is the video:https://youtu.be/uel3otw6gemi will post this year's pictures below.
this year we had pictures and video of three different kingdom halls with the flag!.
John 1:3
by Hi y-all injohn 1:3 states in the nwt, "all things came into existence through him, and apart from him (the word, or jesus) not even one thing came into existence.".
the wt states apart from him one thing came into existence, that is, jesus the first created being.. is there an explanation for this apparent contradiction?.
The New Testament writers were promoting Jesus as the new god others were promoting him as part of a trinity. This is why there is contradictions about who he is. In most pantheons back then the creator god or father god wasn't necessarily the all powerful god that was to be worshipped.
What would be most likely...
by The freewheeling inwhat statement to the elders would get you disfelloshipped fastest?
saying.... a) that you don't believe in god anymore.
or saying ... b) that you don't believe that the governing body is god's canal and mouthpiece anymore.. what opinion is most serious in there eyes?
They never once asked me if I believed in Jehovah or Jesus but was asked several times if I believe the GB were the faithful slave?
Oh The Irony
by FedUpJW inso i sat and suffered through the clam tonight.. everything was pretty much as dull, repetitious, and simple-minded as i have come to expect, but i was really struck by the mind-numbing idiotic comments made during the part about shunning family.. then came the book study (no real bible use) loaded with self-congratulatory b.s about how wt never has, and never will beg, solicit, or ask for money.
i could feel myself beginning to channel the old tasmanian devil cartoon character as i listened to that garbage while remembering the jdubya tv shows about how more money was going out than coming in and give more.
but finally came the most ironic (to me) part of the entire meeting and i could not help bursting out in a loud belly laugh that got me many dirty looks and heavy frowns.
Did they specify what this 14 dollars was for.
Now Scottish history disproves the flood
by Splash inwt state that the global flood that wiped everything away happened in 2370 bce.. there's been a wealth of evidence from many quarters which prove that life continued as normal for civilizations during that time period.. now scotland adds to that body of evidence as detailed in this bbc report:.
neolithic orkney - new study.
key dates indicated by the study.
Ice-core samples prove no water canopy for if there was there would not have been any ice. One can win an argument with a true believer because there is so much evidence it's undeniable.
Now Scottish history disproves the flood
by Splash inwt state that the global flood that wiped everything away happened in 2370 bce.. there's been a wealth of evidence from many quarters which prove that life continued as normal for civilizations during that time period.. now scotland adds to that body of evidence as detailed in this bbc report:.
neolithic orkney - new study.
key dates indicated by the study.
Ice core samples prove no global flood and they are accurate.
2018 Special Talk Outline: “Who Really is Jesus Christ?”
by wifibandit inrevision date: 8/17.
the talk outline “jesus christ—earth’s new ruler” has been discontinued and should no longer be used.
it has been replaced by “who really is jesus christ?”note: this is the special public talk outline for 2018. the talk will be given in most congregations the week of monday, march 19, 2018.. .
Jesus Christ who is Jesus really, well friends he was just and angel that got they opportunity to become the son of god and a king by allowing god to kill him as a sacrifice to himself. Remembers brothers and sisters gods loves himself some sweet smell of a meat sacrifice (Ephesians 5) . After Jesus was killed he then was resurrected went back to heaven and waited for his reward. Some 1900 hundred years later he was made king and will be king for a thousand years. As king he will have the opportunity to come down to his domain and show his love to earthlings by kill almost all of his followers. Then he will hand the Kingdom over to his father but not before killing a whole lot more of his followers near then end of his reign. After he Hands the Kingdom back to his daddy he will become just a lowly angel again and take a much needed vacation somewhere on Alpha Centauri.
7.1 Earthquake hits Mexico City
by ILoveTTATT2 in2 earthquakes in less than a month.... witnesses are going to have a field day with this... bounce back from that decline.....
Malloy v Watchtower
by John Davis ina woman asked the federal court in michigan for a restraining order as well as she has sued watchtower.
the restraining order was denied.
the following is from the court's decision not to grant the restraining order.
I think she's a bit touched in the head, if she wasn't a woman she could be a GB me ever for sure.
Marrying outside the lord
by label licker ini should know the answer to this but my memory is failing big time.
our friend just called who is still in the cult.
he's been away from it for about five months now.
Just have him show the scripture that says all who believe in the lord are saved then show the one where it says do not judge. You friend needs to protect himself from his kid. Change all his passwords locks on his doors etc.. They may want to Jc him just to see what's going on in his life and if he's ready to confess to some sins because everyone that leaves the Borg goes off and commits sins, didn't you know.
He should be prepare to deny everything and say that's here say where's you second witness?