With all the brain dead JW parents in the USA it surprises me that they still can't talk most of their kids into getting baptized.
JoinedPosts by Crazyguy
Is this a World Wide Pattern?
by Slidin Fast inhundreds baptized at jehovah's witness convention.
at first sight this afican rc looks as though it's acheiving the quantity of baptisms of another era.
348 is a substantilal number and impressive until you see the sunday attendance 28,300. so a baptism rate of 1.2%, in africa.
I'm so confused, help?
by Ponyo ini want to share my story.
(might be a tad long).
i have no idea where i stand anymore regarding being a jw and where i stand in my marriage.. im 28 years old and the years are certainly ticking by.
You may want to start with realizing the Bible is just a book or should I say a collection of books that were put in to a bible. There's contradictions in the Bible prophecies that didn't come true, scientific and mathematical mistakes. Don't believe me look at Ezekiel chapter 29 and the desolation of Egypt that never happened. Google the city of Tyre a city that was supposed to be destroyed forever.
If you hope the Bible or religions based on the Bible will fix your problems or make your life great your delusional, sorry to be blunt. Anyway you're only going to live once so what do you want to do with your one shot your one and only life? But also what price are you willing to pay? Only you can make this decision.
Waking up to TTATT: Blessing or Curse?
by Jules Saturn inif you take the red pill, you'll have knowledge, you'll be awakened, aware of reality, you'll have freedom.. if you take the blue pill, you stay in your bubble, wearing rose colored glasses, and feel security in an illusion.. taking the red pill isn't something that's easy to do.
to accept that everything around you is an illusion built up on lies or half truths.
but hey, it might feel good to be aware and break free from this illusion.
Most have thought the way your thinking but it's to late for you and for us. I would not want my mother who is in her 70's to wake up but at the same time how evil would I be if I didn't try to wake up a child or a younger one so they could have a normal life. JWs live in a delusion and in the end they die most of them poor , destitute, many homeless, and in the end a useless un accomplished life, giving up all their dreams and desires for nothing.
Help! Mike & Kim videos all being deleted by Youtube
by mrmagic indue to watchtower flagging the mike & kim videos on youtube for copyright, youtube is giving them 6 days before they are shutting down their entire youtube channel.
can you help with a mass downloading program and then reuploading them on a mirror ?
would hate to lose all those good videos!
Mike and Kim are genuine , they rant to much at times , their videos are to long at times and they show way to much JW content for me, I don't agree with their religious or political views but they have done a lot for the Exjw community telling us about Kingdom Hall closings and I really love their coffin lid. These kind of videos help to show others that others are leaving and it's ok to leave too. These videos show the whole apostate community that their activism is having an effect.
New light!.....DFed without being DFed
by Tight Pants Twinkle Toes init now appears that the wt can df you just by marking you.
this happened to my me and my wife a few week ago.
a marking talk was given at the mid-week meeting in which no names were mentioned yet a detailed description of the "offending bastards" was delivered so that there as no doubt who this "pond scum" might be.
How does one stop being marked? I can only think of one person being marked I think he ended up moving to another hall to get away from the marking. If you don't do this then what are your options if marked?
Jehovah's Failed Prophecy!!!
by Christian Gutierrez inhas watchtower lies all the time yet they label us as liars 🤔.
This is old news I don't see why u make a video now?
New light!.....DFed without being DFed
by Tight Pants Twinkle Toes init now appears that the wt can df you just by marking you.
this happened to my me and my wife a few week ago.
a marking talk was given at the mid-week meeting in which no names were mentioned yet a detailed description of the "offending bastards" was delivered so that there as no doubt who this "pond scum" might be.
This happen to a couple near me. He had a private discussion with a couple of elders concerning child abuse issues and was then later marked. Unless your complete mind controlled compliant zombies you can be marked or dfd!
Great thought MrRoboto, Paul's writing some are not only proven to be forgeries but he goes on and contradicts many of the teachings atributed to Jesus.
Bible passage used to stop women becoming ordained 'added later'
by Moster insee the article referring to 1cor 14:34. seems it may not have been part of the original verses, nor was it written by paul.
The ascension of Christ in the gospels was added later as well. The pearcing of Jesus body with a spear in John added later taken from Mathew read it with out this scripture and it looks as though Jesus faked his death, the things his followers gave him were healing herbs etc.
Are White Blood Cells Passed to a Baby via Breastfeeding?
by ThomasCovenant inhaving just read ''just n from bethel''s post http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/198904/1/those-that-just-one-day-were-not-there-anymore .
i have to ask is it true that white blood cells are passed to a baby when breastfeeding?
if it is true then surely jw's cannot breastfeed..
Not only does the body produce 1 million white blood cells per drop but in about 50% of pregnancys durning child birth blood gets passed from one to the other.