Let's not forget the reason This kinda of treatment of woman is and was allowed is because of two very important books , the Bible and the Quran.
JoinedPosts by Crazyguy
Sexual Depredation as a function of male society by men of a Certain Age
by TerryWalstrom ini would like to remind those folks younger than i that it was very few years ago when almost the entire planet earth was run by and for the benefit of men.women have throughout history been the property of men.due to religious restrictions, teachings, and fundamentalist doctrines, women in the largest societies on earth right now (muslim, chinese, n.korean) have almost no human rights at all.next year, in june, women will, for the 1st time, be allowed in arabia to drive---but--only if they are 30 years old or older, and for only a few hours per day!the old testament laws (read through them sometime) are horrifying reflective of prejudice toward gender, bodily cleanliness, guilt-tripping, and anonymity.
(what was noah's wife's name?
lot's wife?
Holy crap nice find!
"Deficit" at JW Assembly
by cookiemaster ini've recently been at an assembly here in romania and there was an announced they were running a 10,000 euro deficit and urging all attendees to donate more money besides the already 5k has was donated during that day.
i really don't understand these things.
it's their own assembly hall.
Can the local Romanians afford this amount per head or is this exorbitant?
"Jehovah's Witnesses look in other direction" (Oct 12th 2017)
by Nicholaus Kopernicus inappaling report pertaing to the $4000 daily penalty against the watchtower.
they're squirming.... .
I really don't know why the court hasn't doubled the fine in order to send a message that we're not going to be toyed with?
Blade Runner - the new movie
by days of future passed ini went to see blade runner 2 because i liked the first one.
even tho the first one was i think rated r, i still saw it.
the whole atmosphere of the first one was bizarre and real to itself.. if you don't want to be spoiled, don't read on.. with high hopes, despite hearing that it tanked at the box office (are the critics crazy?
The movie sucked!
Is it better to have a false hope than have no hope?
by sinboi injust got the news.
a very close classmate of mine met an accident and died last nite.... just 4 months after i da'd from the borg.. if i am still in, i wouldn't be so sad.
he has the hope of resurrection.. but now that i am out, i realise that resurrection in paradise is all bullshit.. so what's next?
Live your life to the fullest that you can. There's no proof of any after life or a resurrection.
Shunning accountability – To god or men?
by sinboi ini have met this brother a few times after i da’d.
in the past, when i met him, he was with another jw.
i am sure he saw me but he just continue walking, pretending not to see me.
They want to do the right thing when in front of others. Not the right thing biblically but doctrinally. Mathew chapter 5 clearly shows that shunning is wrong . Plus you DAd yourself, this doesn't mean your not a Christian or don't believe in Jesus it just means you don't want to be part of this cult. No reason from the Bible to shun you then is there?
Jehovah is Satan
by VW.org ini found a very convincing youtube video showing that jehovah of the old testament is satan and the god of the new testament is god the father.. https://youtu.be/-eyp4n0xkxk.
Wait you just hold on a minute, the tooth fairy is real, I should know I got a quarter from her years ago.
THIS Is How JWs Feel About The Cut In Magazines And Content
by pale.emperor ini asked the question on quora "how do jehovah's witnesses feel about the announcement that the public edition of the watchtower and awake!
magazine is being reduced to just 3 issues a year and the number of books, tracts, and online content are being discontinued?".
Sheep their just mindless sheep.
Jehovah is Satan
by VW.org ini found a very convincing youtube video showing that jehovah of the old testament is satan and the god of the new testament is god the father.. https://youtu.be/-eyp4n0xkxk.
This is what the gnostics thought and so did early church leader Marcion. Someone once had a YouTube video showing the contradictions between Jehovah and Jesus. I often think the gnostics got a lot of their ideas into the New Testament.