An exCO is posting over on Reddit. He says that when he was still a CO it was always a big push for the elders up to the COs to show growth each year. With this kind of pressure it would not be much for the elders to fudge the numbers. We also know the cult fudges the numbers when they do their yearly report in August. Because of the way they do their accounting people are often counted more then once in that month.
A good indicator of their lies is the number of baptized just a year ago or so in the USA . The US is their bread and butter country and if only 11k are baptized there’s no way that number off sets the number of ones being dfd , dying or just plain leaving.
Lets review they say that closing Kingdom Halls is because of massive growth. Does that make any sense? Of course not, this cult is all smoke and mirrors. I bet they have less then 4 million active members.