Saename, the myth maybe that Inanna clothes were removed as she passed into the underworld as well as other parts to the story may not be exactly like that of Jesus story.
Osiris was originally killed by his brother and cut up into pieces and then he went to the underworld. His story morphed over time to be resurrected in three days and not only became the god of the under world and judgment but also in heaven as the constellation of Orion. People would go to his temple and eat grain and drink beer . Not exactly the same as Jesus meal where they ate bread and drank wine but you see my point.
Later in the Dyonisus story they do drink wine and he is shown being crucified on a cross.
These stories all have to do with the dying and resurrecting gods of fertility and the growing season. By the time the jesus story was told it had changed again and again and again . But in almost every story the god is killed and then resurrected near or on the time of the spring Equinox. Even the Inanna story changed to do time and Geographical location. These stories also took on the elements of Astro theology and evolved because of this as well.