One other thing I think is reality. I mean the real world. People were really financially beat up back in 2008 on and the JWs got it as bad as anyone else if not worse. It’s got to be hard to keep believing your in gods only organization and he cares for you when your financial world comes crashing down and there’s no help from the big guys in the sky. I think many have left do to this.
JoinedPosts by Crazyguy
What's destroying Watchtower!
by UnshackleTheChains infor me, beyond any shadow of a doubt, it's the extreme shunning policy.. at a recent sunday meeting, i listened to a complete brainwashed sister saying how important it was that we stick to the shunning policy even if it is a close relative.. i just thought.
there is a big difference between the brainwashed and the awoken class!.
MS meeting highlights
by lastmanstanding inthere are a few things of interest, but the biggest thing to tell is with regard to the amount of times that pornography was discussed.
not just one talk... several.
the last brother had a computer on the table with him as he talked about porn.
I don’t think Flowden is a GB.
Saename, the myth maybe that Inanna clothes were removed as she passed into the underworld as well as other parts to the story may not be exactly like that of Jesus story.
Osiris was originally killed by his brother and cut up into pieces and then he went to the underworld. His story morphed over time to be resurrected in three days and not only became the god of the under world and judgment but also in heaven as the constellation of Orion. People would go to his temple and eat grain and drink beer . Not exactly the same as Jesus meal where they ate bread and drank wine but you see my point.
Later in the Dyonisus story they do drink wine and he is shown being crucified on a cross.
These stories all have to do with the dying and resurrecting gods of fertility and the growing season. By the time the jesus story was told it had changed again and again and again . But in almost every story the god is killed and then resurrected near or on the time of the spring Equinox. Even the Inanna story changed to do time and Geographical location. These stories also took on the elements of Astro theology and evolved because of this as well.
the watchtower is starting to crumble
by pepperheart infor the december monthly broadcast instead of jws from around the world waving to you and items of how to shun people we will have to make do with repeats of of old gilead videos that have been on the jw website for a good while.
I think these guys are way to arrogant but todo anything but hold on till the very end. In 35-40 years over half of their membership of today will be dead. In that same amount of time another large percentage of their members will have left. It will be a religion of about 2 million maybe less, but they’ll make excuses for their small number. In the end they be just like any other very small Christian like sect.
And the capital of Israel was ...
by Doug Mason inthe capital of biblical israel was samaria.. jerusalem was the capital of judah/benjamin.. the modern state of israel is not named after the biblical nation of israel.
it is named after a man.
it is named after jacob, the lion of judah, who was later given the name of israel.
There’s no evidence of a United Kingdom of Israelite and Judah. Also the northern Kingdom was rulled by a guy named Omri. It very difficult to find any real evidence of a Kingdom called Israel, before 600 BC or at all before the Persian period out side of the Bible in my opinion. The Stella in Egypt is mistranslated in my opinion.
Hebrew language question?
by Crazyguy invowel points were not added to the hebrew language until from what i have read the 10th century ad.
so how can anyone properly translate this language and the older canaanite dialect properly?.
Vowel points were not added to the Hebrew language until from what I have read the 10th century Ad. So how can anyone properly translate this language and the older Canaanite dialect properly?
One of the most interesting things I found out while researching is the goddess Inanna in Sumerian Times was the Queen of heaven . She goes to the underworld and while going there she’s stripped naked , her crown taken from her, beaten , killed then hung on a hook. Three days later some of her followers rescue her body and she’s resurrected.
The similaries are not exact but we’re talking a couple thousand years later when the story of Jesus is told.
I also found a couple of religious chants that were very similar to the sermon on the mount. They were found in the writtings from Assyria if memory serves me well.
The '' other and remaining '' Faithful and Discreet Slaves are '' useless ''
by RULES & REGULATIONS infaithful and discreet slave parable.
matthew 24:45-47 "who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time?
happy is that slave if his master on arriving finds him doing so.
would Jesus of really said such a stupid thing? -
Can someone tell me why Joan's ark and the flood not true and impossible?
by Gokumonkey inhey everyone.
i have a question and i hope i'm not confusing this with something else i heard.
while watching ex jw videos on youtube many of them talk about how noah's ark and the flood didn't happen and it's impossible.
I think ice core samples and sediment layers laid down in the dirt are the best scientific proofs the flood never happened. If there was a flood we would find a layer of dead animal and vegetation remains in a layer of dirt all over the world. Lets also not forget tree ring data, there are trees alive today that are older then when the flood was supposed to happen.
Why "Most high"?
by Doug Mason inif there were only one god, why do we encounter the expression, "most high god"?.
is this not indicative of polytheism, and of levels (or degrees) of god-ness?.
doug .
El the phonician god and Anu the same god in Assyria was a sky god. Later the Phoenicians and Assyrians worshipped one of his sons Baal Hadad or Enlil this god too was a sky god weather deity but not as high in the sky as El. This new god was also associated with mountains. Zaphon was the house of Hadad became MT Olympis for the Greeks and their mountains weather god with a different name Zeus. This mount Zaphon was also the Home of the thunder and lightning god of the Hittites.
This Mt Zaphon was to far away for the Israelites and Jews so they changed the place of his home to Mt tabor or Mt Zion. El shaddai means god of the mountain. The root word Shadd can be traced back to mean breasts , mountains truly are breasts of the world. The the original Israelite sky or heaven god El had 70 sons so does Gideon and a few other characters in the Bible.
Today man worships Baal Hadad or a better name would be Zeus or maybe his counterpart in Rome Jove. Wasn’t it a Roman Catholic monk that chose the name Jehovah? Jove also known as Jupiter becomes Jehovah, not to far of a stretch if I say so myself.
Someone said “there’s nothing new under the sun” so true and yes he mentioned sun , next time you see the sun stop and look at it for a second. Admire it in all its glory because in all reality that’s what we have all been worshipping all this time!