There’s are about three story’s of the flood found in Sumeria dated before the Noah’s flood story. The story of Job is most like likely taken from a poem called The righteous sufferer, found in Nineveh. Cain and Abel is a copy of another Sumerian tale about two minors gods fighting to get approval from a higher god, can’t remember the name of the tale.
The story of Jericho has similarities to a story found in Ugarit. The baby Moses being put into a basket and floated down a river to be found by a special person is a copy of Sargon birth story.
Similarities between the exodus story can be found related to the expulsion of the Hyksos as well as someone just wrote a thesis on how Ramses tent looks to be very similar to how the tent of the tabernacle was.
A part of proverbs come directly from the writings of an Egyptian named Amenope.
There are several stories about the god named Enki that created man in Sumerian mythology. He calls the first man Adamu. He creates man with the help of a female goddess and the sacrifice of another god of his blood and it’s mixed with the clay. So one can say he made man on a potters wheel from clay. This is also mentioned in the Bible. Enki in another story gets sick and is cured by a female goddess and a mistranslations seems to call her lady of the rib. Scholars think they idea of Eve being created from Adams Rib has something to do with the goddess and this possible mistranslation.
Enki is a wise trickster god that is the god of the earth and was depicted as a serpent. He is also the same god that denied or tricked Adamu from getting immortality. He is also the same god that in every story of the flood before Noah warns man of the impending flood and to build a boat save animals and other living things.
Can’t think of anymore at this time.