Thanks, bg. I'll check tomorrow as I'm almost certain I've got it.
JoinedPosts by Jeannette
Aug 1/87 WT p 32 - WT Index 1930-1985 has indexed EVERY publication
by berrygerry ininteresting quote on the back page.. "this new book has indexed every publication produced by the watch tower bible and tract society since 1930.".
(also on the cd wt library).
funny then that the life everlasting book (1966) never made it in..
Robin Williams passes
by designs indon't know quite what to say.
just stunned at the news.
comic genius and actor.. share your favorite robin williams moments.. .
I was always under the impression that he was raised as a Jehovah's Witness. When he used to be on Johnny Carson he would put the WT down really good. Does anybody know forsure? I won't say anything until I find out. Might explain the suicide.
Controversial Opinion: Why the web site campaign is actually brilliant
by Apognophos inthere's a lot of talk right now about how stupid it is to have jws hand out leaflets with urls on them.
"why go to someone's door to tell them they can visit a web site that lets them ask for someone to come to their door?
" well, i'm sorry, but i have to weigh in with a contrary opinion here on how clever the society is.
Yes, we'll see.
Aug 1/87 WT p 32 - WT Index 1930-1985 has indexed EVERY publication
by berrygerry ininteresting quote on the back page.. "this new book has indexed every publication produced by the watch tower bible and tract society since 1930.".
(also on the cd wt library).
funny then that the life everlasting book (1966) never made it in..
I wonder why? Does it have incriminating evidence? I think I've got that book-what color is it?
"We're calling on your neighbours to promote a website"
by Simon inwow, it's true - they don't call to 'promote god's kingdom' anymore but just their website!.
we just had an old lady call and tell us that was exactly what they were doing and it has "lots of good things on their for children".
yeah, right ... sparlock?.
LisaRose, if they ran a marketing campaign it would cost them money. Making you spend your money on gas, and time will make you, or keep you poor and dumb. Just what they want.
Stay Alive till '75
by John Chapman in"stay alive till '75.
" remember that?
note: this is the year 5774 not 2014. why didn't they tell you that in 5735 (1975 ad?
John Chapman, Jack. Are you a lawyer? I've heard things like this before spoken by a lawyer. Leaves your head spinning. The thing I'm going to do is watch it all go down, I don't think there is anything anyone can do. It's between them and the true God, not Jehovah, he's probably on their side. Those demons, spiritual and physical can't get away with damaging people and the earth like they're doing forever, can they? They think they're all going to live as the important people on the earth and the rest of us, what's left of us, are to be their slaves, really, really, slaves. Sort of like the Watchtower is teaching us all the time-"you are a worthless slave", "slave for the lord", etc, etc. Don't have families, go out from doorl-to-door and collect money for us. Go out in the wind and the rain and snow and collect it for us. You don't feel well? Tough! Get on out there. It's the most important work in the world. (Yes, collecting money for those greedy ba--------).
Australian brother and sister country band
by under the radar ina while back, there were some interesting posts about an award-winning australian brother and sister country music band.
they had a music video out which showed "hot button" words from the watchtower as if cut out and pasted on a wall for a backdrop.
does anyone know the name of this band and/or the title of the song i'm thinking of?
They're adorable. Much success to them, to their music and their continued walk through life. Go, kids!!!!
Is Armageddon part of the Great Tribulation? what was WT writers word?
by prologos inor put into other words:.
is armageddon included in in "all the things" that are to come to pass during the 'generation' that jesus spoke about?.
Sorry, Pro, I guess I got carried away. Someone else can help you with the specifics, I can't because I'm so sick of the Watchtower and Awake that I don't want to read one sentence or do any digging anymore. I wasted 40 years of my life reading them and reading the Bible thinking it was the true God's inspired word only to find out I was deceived and the Bible is a fraud. Sorry, folks, but it is. Some good teaching from it probably came from Babylon or Egypt that they plagarized. Oh, I need to get out in the garden. Bye.
Is Armageddon part of the Great Tribulation? what was WT writers word?
by prologos inor put into other words:.
is armageddon included in in "all the things" that are to come to pass during the 'generation' that jesus spoke about?.
The Bible was written for Gentiles, those they want to deceive. The Bible is full of lies, plagarism (that is, copied from other nations and culturesl) and deception. Armageddon is one of those teachings that are deceptive, and it's meant to keep you and me in line and obedient. The world is having wars here and there all right, and may be gearing up for WW3, so that's going to be a terrible time. Look into the history of Europe during WW2, that may be coming this way because the same demons exist. But Armageddon from "God" isn't going to happen.
Stupid Illustration
by piztjw inso this morning a young gun elderoid type of about twenty-five gave a pt about faith.. he used what i thought was a real stupid illustration:.
you are told that you must leave in your car this afternoon and drive to florida.
you would be verrrrrrryy worried.
zeb-they're told that "Jehovah" will protect them so no matter what dumb decision they make, it's "Jehovah" either protecting them or will help them and they will give him all the glory. (If they only knew who "Jehovah" really is.) But then, you can't blame them because that's what they hear from the podium.