Sory i dont agree with you women,its shocking,its terrible,its beyond human comprehension,i have been stumbled by your suggestions,
Now what is this poor woman going to do when the next time she steps into macdonalds,her lips will pucker ,she wont need any sauces or relishes she will just go for it ,pity the poor little hot dog she spies first ,
your encouraging her to shop at the moll (supermarket,) what ever will she do when she sees the largest cucumber on the shelf ,well shes tried it once will she try it a second time,the mind bogles ,i dont think any man is safe with her on the prowl,not now that she has tasted forbidden fruit ,hahahaha
On a seriouse note though have you noticed its all a bunch of old men whom are past enjoying sexual relations that impose there sad thoughts and views affecting youngsters within the congregation,
the point is youve done it once you say ,i dont beleive you your admitting to once only ,what a mouthfull its a wonder you still have any tonsills left, you know youle have to go to your doctor and have him examine the back of your throat .
untill then ENJOY
you dont say wether your male or female.