here's the link:
I believe that Mike & Kim believe it, but I don't. All they had was a spread sheet supposedly showing it as "proof", but hey, that's not really proof.
this is big!
according to what they say if i'm correct an investigation was done back in 1998 in concerning what american companies invested money in to germany.
mike and kim state that a document they have attained shows a list of american firms that had invested into germany as late as 1943. on this list is non other then watchtower !!
here's the link:
I believe that Mike & Kim believe it, but I don't. All they had was a spread sheet supposedly showing it as "proof", but hey, that's not really proof.
i know that it must seem silly to ask, but my brother and his family think that the big a will arrive before they die.
i tried to explain to my brother that everyone else who has ever lived in the past has died and only jesus has [physically] rose from the dead.. it is amazing that anyone could buy that line.
what crazy cult culture that could make people believe such nonsense?!.
I believed that most likely I wouldn't die. I thought there was a possibly that I would be most likely not. And then I got married and thought we both could live on through the big A and we'd be happy ever after.
Now I have come to grips with the fact that I will die in the next 25 years or so.
my brother isn't a witness but he was raised one like we all were.
after 15 years living his own life he decided about a year ago to have a bible study.
this being the case, as a non baptized witness he can still speak to me but he's getting a lot of pressure not to from elders and the rest of my family.
I hate it when all the JW's say that anything that's not on is possibly from apostates. And this thinking is from the top down. It all stems from the WT inducing this folly of a logic to the rank and file. I had an elder tell me he may or may not believe even a positive new report on the witnesses! Yuck.
school for kingdom evangelizers office guidelines skeog-e 10/14.
and to help you prepare for the ske .... bscc tests and answer keys.
Way to go wifibandit. People like you are the ones who keep us in the know and informed. Keep it up. :)
strange goings on at a biker bar (a true memoir).
you’re going to disagree with me, but when you do, you’ll be wrong.
i was raised to be a sissy.
Way to get Terry. Nice story. I enjoyed it.
had two lovely jws (stephen and ruth) visit this morning.
this was our second study in the last 2 weeks.
they first knocked on my door (bell is out) 3 weeks ago and i shared my testimony and we arranged to meet last tuesday which we did.. our first study went like this:.
Great. Keep us up to date with it. In a way I feel sorry for them, but the truth is, to each his own. Stay your ground and bring forth the good arguments.
wt 1973 p568.
"did you know, for example, that mothers and fathers that stroke the genitals of their fretful babies to keep them quiet are unwittingly encouraging them to become maturbators later on?".
what sick fu... writing this article thought the the average person did this to keep kids quiet..
I agree, probably a pedophile. But I've seen this article before and thought that I never heard of such a thing, ever. The first thing that crossed my mind when I read it for the first time was literally, WTF. And at the time I was fully in, and I still cussed.
did anybody see the service meeting video this week?.
australian sister was sexually abused as a child and thought of ending her life at 14 years old, sometime later jw's call on her father who accepts a study and eventually the whole family becomes witnesses, life gets much better as the sister immerses herself in pioneering etc, she still has some dark days but prayer along with going for walks and swimming has helped her cope with bad memories of child abuse, the new system (just around the corner) will completely fix everything......... i'm dumbfounded, the hypocrisy has literally rendered me speechless......comments anybody?.
comments...sure. The JW's or the Governing Body, I should say, see nothing wrong with this at all. It's not hypocrisy in anyway to them. This is simply about a woman, who like many others were a victim of sexual child abuse and found out the truth according to the JW's. It's got nothing to do with what's happening with "God's organization". Sorry to tell it to you like that, but that's exactly how many a JW will see this video.
If I had $10 in my pocket and told you that you could go to ten JW's and ask them if they heard about the Royal Commission in Australia as regards to their hearing with Jehovah's Witnesses, I think I could tell you that I probably would still have my $10 in my pocket after you talked to 10 of them, because they most likely don't have a clue what happened a year ago with their very own religion, even though one of their own, that is, one of the Governing Body members was hailed before their highest court in the county. He had to testify as to what their faith was about, how their system of worship is conducted and explain their current tactics for dealing with child sexual abuse for their global religion of 8.2 million witnesses. This should have made news on their one website called, but it never did because for the most part, they all looked like fools in front of the camera.
So, is it hypocrisy, yes in a way it really is. They should be more transparent about it, but if you talk to a JW, they will see nothing wrong with it. But good for you for seeing it for what it truly is.
So with that said, the governing body of the JW's may have brought this out to help their own deal with such atrocities. Who really knows how they think for sure, but trust me one thing, they don't think it's a real problem with in their organization.
i've taken the bible lessons but have never attended a kingdom hall.
i was curious as to what point they begin to tighten the screws of control?
let's say you're a baptist.
Like what was said, it's after you convert to be an actual JW and get baptized as one (usually takes 8 months to 2 years depending on the person) that they will put the thumb screws to you.
See, as long as you are actually NOT one of Jehovah's Witnesses yet, they really can't do anything official to you. They won't shun you for the most part, they won't hold things against you that are forbidden. But once you take the dunk as Londo111 said, then they have a reason to enforce all of their prohibitions against you.
For example, say you are smoker. They won't say a whole lot about it. They might mention that JW's don't smoke. They will probably show the scripture for that (2 Co 7:1) "to remove all defilement of the flesh" and then just move on and "let you decide what you want to do with it".
But once you are baptized "all of that", many other things, are supposed to be taken care of and done with, including celebrating the holidays of any kind for whatever reason. If you were to smoke again and someone noticed it, then they would report you to the elders and they would have a judicial committee with you. That's where they determine if you are really repentant about this "gross sin" that you have committed and if you are then they just tell the whole congregation that you "have been reproved". But if the elders don't feel that you are really sorry about smoking then they disfellowship you and announce that you, "are no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses" and then no one who is a JW will talk to you, greet you or have anything to do with you forever, unless you sit at the hall for at least 8 months to a year "in silence" and then write a letter to the same elders and tell them how so sorry you are and that such a thing will never happen again. Then after the waiting period of say 8 months to a year or maybe longer, they will meet with you and you'll have to explain to them that you no longer smoke, hate such a thing and that you have read all the Watchtowers for each meeting and have studied them for such meetings and am ready to be "reinstated" back into the congregation if the loving body of elders see such as you do too.
Then and only when the elders are satisfied to your true repentance can you get back into the congregation. Yes, you may attend all the meetings but no one will speak to you. They will ignore you completely and only after the elders have removed their disfellowshipping from you can you then be announced that, "so and so has been reinstated as one of Jehovah's Witnesses." And then even after that, people in the congregation will still be a little shy towards you, at least for a while because they don't know what you were disfellowshipped for in the first place. It could be anything. So after you get out to their door knocking for a month or so, then they will open up to you more.
I know this is quite a lot of info here. But just be aware of where you are treading, as the previous posts have brought out. It's all rosy and "full of paradise" from the door step, but once you become "one of us" then they change the tune a little.
Knowledge is power.
and how long will it last?
and who will come after that, yahweh, as the old testament says or jesus, as the new testament says?
the scriptures say he'll come to the mount of olives, but surely that's a spiritual mount of olives.
The governing body will let us know exactly 1 week ahead of time. But by then it will be too late, unless you think you can turn around in that week's time...
It's a son-of-a-gun to be on the outside. But it's better than being on the inside with our heads in the sand.
Armageddon will not arrive in your lifetime...