I like that. "Did you know that 1914 was calculated by measuring a pyramid?" Truly classic, and yes it was calculated that way. But any JW (or 99.5%) don't have a clue about it.
Dumb shits.
suposedly babylon the great lost her power and influence over the people and government rulers back in 1919. flash forward to today the russian orthodox church is behind the banning of witnesses in russia.
yet another failed prophecy!
have these guys gotten anything right?!
I like that. "Did you know that 1914 was calculated by measuring a pyramid?" Truly classic, and yes it was calculated that way. But any JW (or 99.5%) don't have a clue about it.
Dumb shits.
i know this must be coming down from the top because the elders in my hall who didn't really care before are all concerned about it.
must be on the list of things to do before the co comes back around.
in past years i never really thought about the dpa.
Here in the lower midwest, I haven't heard a peep about it. I don't have my card filled out, and don't care to, but no elder that I know of has done anything along the lines of getting compliance about it.
I know one things for sure, if it came down to it, live or die, I choose to live. Now if that means a blood transfusion then so be it. They can go ahead and DF me if they want. "I'll live with that." Pun intended. :)
just noticed this very peculiarly uncanny similarity between website logos.did the jw.0rg come first or after--did the wt copy another website's logo?.
I don't know, there is a couple of similarities here. I really would like to know who did the logo first, the govt or JW's.
they started out with a $3,500 carry-over but by the end of the day they were short $25,000.
the speaker eloquently beseeched the audience to go the atm machines and give their generous contribution or at least their widow's mite.
after the sessions were over, our friend who attended walked from one end of the assembly hall and then to the other end and noticed long lines up to both machines with people who couldn't wait to run up their credit cards.
I haven't donated in over 3 years. But I just had an idea. I WILL donate this time.
I will take out my credit card, walk up to the machine and punch in $0.01. Yes, one cent, and process it, just to piss them off. :)
we were all told when we were in the watchtower that we should be grateful to be part of such a loving family.
we were told that just beyond the superficial glamour of the world was a quagmire of despair, emptiness and pain waiting to suck us in.
obviously, we took that part with a mountain of salt or we wouldn't be here today.
Rainbow - just keep trying. I think if you keep looking you will find good friends. I was raised in the world till I was 27 years old and the world is not lost, just some people are. If you think all the young people are doing drugs then keep looking because there are plenty of youths that don't do drugs.
Widen your circle, the world isn't empty, it's beautiful.
first the bible students represented an insulated layer.
they were the faithful and discreet slave of jehovah who were expected to guide the people in all matters of overall import.
but eventually someone noticed that in the first century, the seven churches were not independent, but had a council to guide them in weightier matters.
Maybe there already is a one-man rule by someone like tight pants ranting in the GB weekly meetings. Who knows.
1. in bro sandersons latest video (in which he shows a very impressive skill with russian) he mentions two likely results of the imminent russian ban: the liquidation of the branch office and its assets, and the individual brothers capacity to worship freely.
no prizes for guessing which one gets mentioned first!.
2. why have the gb never attempted in the past, and are not interested in attempting now, such a letter writing campaign in other communist countries where the work is under similar restrictions, like china, or vietnam?
I second that motion...follow the money.
i was browsing the letters at avoid jw.org.
what's up with this one to elders in ghana?.
I don't have the slightest clue. Anyone else?
as would be expected we've seen a lot of the "persecution" scriptures bandied about recently in connection with the likely imminent ban on the org in russia.
they like to claim that being targets of persecution they are seeing the fulfilment of those verses.
but they conveniently ignore what the bible teaches about how christians should respond to said prophesied persecution.... for example, no one is referencing the above verse which talks of the apostles "joyfully accepting the plundering of their belongings.
very good point doubtfull1799. I think the government will read the first few letters that come their way, and pitch all the others. They aren't fooled by this.
i know i am, to me its a bit of a peculiar anomaly that the wts is still around and functioning in reflection of its decades and now complete century that the wts has been bullshitting to people .
organizations like the church of god have shrunk dramatically from its heyday of the 1980's, this too was another organization that spread and grew by publishing its own magazine proclaiming a armageddon soon doctrine and its main publication was called " the truth " .
i'm guessing some of this has to do with the fact that people who get lured into this cult aren't aware of its past, its doctrines, the people who started it and so forth.
What a great thread. I think any who become JW's now will think their beliefs are par on. What could ever be wrong with it?