Just think of the fun you could have developing the streets and addresses.
1925 Armageddon Way.
1975 Warwick Blvd.
i wound up buying 26 acres of land in upstate ny, a few years ago.
i bought it strictly as an investment, due to rumors of there going to be huge development of the area.
it seems like casinos, walmart, and tons of building have started in the area, or are now breaking ground, since i purchased it.
Just think of the fun you could have developing the streets and addresses.
1925 Armageddon Way.
1975 Warwick Blvd.
the witnesses are really challenged socially.
in their own little world, they seem oblivious to the niceties of saying thank you or that they are sorry for some minor wrong.
these things help life go more smoothly in the real world, like a social lubricant.. i'm simply appalled at the fact that an elder's son, who was married more than a year ago, has never sent out thank you notes for all of the gifts that the congregation gave him for his wedding.
they don't want you bettering yourself.
they hate college education.they applaud you if you quit full time secular work and instead, "pioneer".
they cry that they have money problems.
so they have a manual for protecting workers (to avoid lawsuits), but they don't have a comprehensive child protection policy or manual?.
at the latest co visit something very strange happened.
during the meeting with the elders and servants he passed out a copy of a hypothetical publisher card and asked us what we could learn from it.
upon receiving it i saw that the average hours were pretty good, it had return visits and quite a few bible studies.
don't you think with all the talk about apostate sites, this is having a reverse.
effect for the rf.
if i was a jw today i would wonder what are all the lies these people are saying.. and i would try defending their truth on these sites, but in each case those that come here.
sorry if this is old news but just heard that there will only be about 75 people left at sydney bethel after layoffs.
i was invited to a small get-together by a long time friend.
we both served as elders for years.
he is in his late 70s.
so bethelites are being decreased...bethel homes even sold off.... special pioneers no longer being funded.. magazines getting smaller and published less frequently.. building work stopping or being reduced.. no large conventions and renting of venues.. etc.... so, money is not coming in anymore to cover the "expenses"??.
didnt the first ever watchtower said that when this occurs, it would be evidence of god no longer blessing the activity....
oh, and throughout the years, we have constantly been told that the "growth of the org and the projects such as buildings and contributions" etc were evidence of gods blessing.... .
so i phoned an elder in the cong and asked him: "when did the calling for the great crowd start, was it 1935?
he said, "no, i think i remember a convention talk about 1950.
" so anyway, i said, "so then let's say in the 20th century right?