You make some very valid points. I wish the average JW could hear them, but they won't. They will just cover their ears and run.
JoinedPosts by LevelThePlayingField
Feb. 2017 "Who is Leading God's People Today?"
by Saethydd ini know that i am not by any means the first person to take note of this article, but today i finally got around to reading it.
i quickly found the now infamous line "the governing body is neither inspired nor infallible.
" in the interest of fairness, however, i decided to finish the paragraph, which led me to finish the lesson.
Mexico branch......Now closing!!!
by krismalone ina circuit overseer friend of mine serving in latin america called me today to say hi.
i asked him what's new and he dropped the news that they have received notification that the branch in mexico will be closing!!
this branch also called the central american branch (although located in mexico) oversees all of mexico's 800,000+ publishers plus all 7 countries of central america of over 100,000 publishers.
LITS - sorry you had to go all of that. I bet you're much happier now.
Balaamsass2 - sounds like the org maybe politically motivated to sell the branch in Mexico. Interesting...
Compiling a list of Sin
by Nihilistic Journey inwith all the rules that we had to live under to be a good christian it's a wonder that we aren't all neurotic basket cases like i am!
let's compile a list of transgressions and rules that we had to live by.
no rated r movies.
And no questions.
Faith to Faithless XJW event London, UK
by Fe2O3Girl indescription.
we often come across jehovah's witnesses near station entrances and at our front doors, but we never hear about what happens when they leave.
if you're near london, uk, faith to faithless are doing their first ever event at kings college london, and their first ex jw panel!.
If you think back even 15 years ago, never would we hear of such a thing. Hopefully this is a beginning of something good for those who are out or are desiring to be out. Good to hear.
54 year old Jw pedophile molests 14yr old jw girl.
by notjustyet inneed someone to correct the article to let the readers know "it's not a church,.. it's a kingdom hall!!".
please share and comment on their fb page to get some info out there.
It seems like we are hearing of these types of crimes weekly. I hope WT gets their you know what sued off.
Compiling a list of Sin
by Nihilistic Journey inwith all the rules that we had to live under to be a good christian it's a wonder that we aren't all neurotic basket cases like i am!
let's compile a list of transgressions and rules that we had to live by.
no rated r movies.
No birthdays
No Xmas or any holiday for that matter.
No other material for spiritually besides the Watchtower, period.
No college
No political opinions
Whats going on with the 144000 thing? Spiritual people in the org...
by megaboy inkind of a two fold question, use to have discussions with witnesses about the 144000 and how i didnt agree with it being spiritual because tribes are defined, also mentioned that early on in revelations that a measurement was given for gentiles and i explained that i belived that that was basically foundating that the prophecies proceeding would have nothing to do with gentiles as in they are not measured in these concerns.
never did get any decent reasoning from them on that.. but i haven't heard about that doctrine in a while or online.
granted there are a lot more messed up stuff they teach but these things gave me the impression that it would effect the org if anyone could claim to be of the 144000. are these people suppose to be spiritual?
No, I think it IS setting off alarms for people, they just aren't saying anything. Well, there have been a few posts on here that mention some people saying how they really feel about the broadcasts, and these are hard core JW's too, usually the old timers. But for the most part people just aren't saying anything, but they are aware of things.
I think people are waking up more and more. We'll see.
December 31, 2016 BOE Re: 2017 Annual Meeting and Warwick/Wallkill Dedication Program
by wifibandit indecember 31, 2016 to all congregations in the united states branch territory re: 2017 annual meeting and warwick/wallkill dedication program.
You all are just too much fun. I dig the laughs. What would we do with out Watchtower.
Pro-JW site with scanned out-of-print material
by Funchback inmaybe i'm late to the party but i stumbled upon this site:.
lots of old publications and such.. enjoy!.
Pretty cool stuff. I'm sure many will get something out of it. Thanks for sharing.
NY business review article about Watchtower property transactions
by Gorbatchov inhere the link to the nybr article:.
We'll just have to wait to see what 2017 brings as far as their sell-off plans are concerned. They just keep downsizing everywhere, from their publications to their branches and KH's it's little by little. Pretty soon, just sit back in your easy chair, plug in jw dot org and let it rip. NOT.