Suggest watching this for your family study
JoinedPosts by CookieMonster
Did the flood happen?
by BlackWolf inso we were talking about noah for our family worship tonight and it ended with a little debate between me and my parents about how the flood was possible.
you know, where did the water come from, how did all the animals fit, etc.
of course it led nowhere and my parents came up with some strange theories like that there was "an expanse of water in the sky" and that's where all the water came from.
Why A Divine Being is Possible
by looter innow we all have heard how the universe is composed of matter and space.
and we always here of how it had a beginning.
but really what could have begun it?
More daming evidence against evolution from an expert
by konceptual99 indon't worry, i'm taking the piss.
it's just another video promoting one of their own who had the benefit of a university education and medical training before they became a witness and letting him try and debunk years of research with an appeal to emotion about the placenta.
Maybe he would also like to explain the design flaws in giving birth.
And evolutionary medicine explains why childbirth is so dangerous for both babies and mothers. One reason is because evolution favors reproduction over health. In other words, the most successful of the species are those who produce more offspring, not perfect offspring. From an evolutionary perspective, it is better to have 10 children and have 5 die, than to have 2 perfect children.
Moreover, childbirth itself represents a compromise between competing evolutionary pressures. On the one hand, a more neurologically mature newborn is more likely to survive, so there is an advantage for a baby to be born more with a bigger head and therefore neurologically more mature. On the other hand, there is a limit to the size of the woman’s pelvis. That’s because a larger pelvis renders walking more difficult and if the pelvis is large enough, walking upright is impossible. There is tremendous evolutionary pressure to increase the size of the neonatal head and equally large evolutionary pressure to limit the size of the maternal pelvis.
As a result, there is naturally and inevitably a significant amount of incompatibility between the size of the baby’s head and the size of the mother’s pelvis. This is built into the system. In other words, a significant amount of maternal and fetal death is built into the system and is unavoidable. Understanding this leads to different conclusions than the erroneous assumption that women are “designed” to give birth.
The same principle applies to pregnancy length. The earlier a baby is born, the easier it is for the baby to fit through the maternal pelvis. The later a baby is born, the more neurologically mature it is, giving the baby a survival advantage. The variability in the length of pregnancy represents the competing evolutionary pressures on the timing of birth. The length of pregnancy is NOT a sign that the baby is “ready” to be born. We understand that premature babies are not born prematurely because they are ready to survive outside the uterus; often they aren’t. Similarly, postdates babies are not staying inside the uterus because they aren’t ready to survive; they are definitely ready to survive outside the uterus and staying inside longer can lead to avoidable stillbirth.
Have You Been "Sent to Coventry"?
by compound complex ingreetings, fellow posters:.
if you're from the uk -- or of the pure english expression in another kingdom -- you have probably heard this expression.
i learned it from an elderly english chap.
No offense to anyone from Coventry but its amazing how to this day its still a dump.
The most amazing pharoah in history yet he's not even mention in the bible!
by Crazyguy inhis name was unas, he started his rule in 2375 bce .
some how he found out about noah and his ark and i'm thinking around the year 2371 he travel to northern mesopotamia to get on the ark.
(wt says the flood happened 2370-2369 bce) either he bribed noah (since gods covenant was only for noah and his family) or he hid away on the ark.
"Noah and his ark" this is when I stopped reading fiction
Medical doctor describes a JW death from noblood
by OrphanCrow inmost people will consider the noblood doctrine as being something that affects only the jws involved and they rarely consider the medical professionals who have to deal with them and the tremendous emotional and mental toll the medical professionals are forced to deal with when confronting senseless death.. the following is an excerpt from a medical doctor's blog: .
i do not worry much about being dead although the process of getting there gives me pause.
i have witnessed a few unpleasant deaths and i hope to never see the grim reaper coming my way.. one of the more awful and pointless deaths occurred early in my career.
Sadly the GB may never change their stance on blood, imagine if that happens and the litigation that follows will bury the WT
Can an atheist date jw?
by concernCitizen inhey everyone!.
first of all, i'm not a jw, in fact i'm an atheist, or if you really want to be technical about it i'm probably something like an agnostic atheist or something.. but, my girlfriend is a jw, she seems very rational about it though, it seems to me that she believes in a lot of it but not exactly all, for instance she does understands and believes in the scientific age of the earth and evolution.. when we started dating almost a year ago she made it clear she as religious person.
i never saw that as a problem, it's not like i'm trying to convert her or she's trying to convert me.
Well, first of all JWs are only allowed to 'date' within their faith and even then its with a view to marriage. So what she has done - dating a 'worldly' person - that is one who is not a JW - is a big No No. She can get into trouble for this but perhaps not disfellowshiped (if things haven't gone too far) - that is being excommunicated which is not the same as disassociation where one chooses to leave by their own accord.
However, if she has been dancing the 'tango' with you in the bedroom, or petting the one-eyed snake she is in a heap of trouble and can be disfellowshipped. This can be a very traumatic experience for her and her family. If one's daughter or son is disfellowshipped and continues to practice 'wrong doing', JW parents may ask her or him to leave the household. Particularly if there are siblings since they are now 'bad apples'. She could essentially be cut-off from her family, JW friends and left to fend for herself. Its a frightening prospect especially if you are a 'born-in' and all your friends and family are JW. It has driven some to suicide!
So the question is, does she want to choose JW over you? if thats the case, she will break the relationship, confess to the 'elders' and perhaps get disfellowshipped anyway. But she will continue to attend meetings in silence and accept her 'reproof'. After perhaps a year or so, she will get 're-instated' and will have her family and friends back. This will be the end of the line for your relationship so both of you may decide to have an amicable break-up.
If she chooses you over the JW religion, then she may 'disassociate' herself which is a clean-break. Her family and friends won't talk to her anymore but she will have you. Or she can try 'fading' - this is when one slowly disassociates from every day JW activity such as meetings, service but still is a JW in the books. But if found out for wrong doing, said person can be disfellowshipped. This is possible but requires careful planning and moving away to an area where no body knows you for a fresh start. Risky maneuver especially if she wants to keep in touch with her family.
How much do you love her? Is marriage perhaps on the pipe-line? There is a way for her to have her cake and eat it too. However, she will need to come clean with the elders and get disfellowshipped. She goes through her 'reproof' and you continue your relationship and get married to her during this period. She then gets 're-instated' as a JW and gets to associate with her family and friends. They will associate with you since you are both married and as an 'unbelieving' mate and you will get love bombed by the congregation in the hope you get converted. Just keep it sweet, attend the once a year memorial, the sunday of the annual JW convention and things will be cushti.
So This is What They are Studying This Week at the Mid-Week Meeting -"Don't Give Way to Doubt"
by xjwsrock inthis week they finish up a chapter in the "imitate their faith" book about peter.
they cover the account of jesus walking on water.
in the story peter also walks on the water out to jesus.
Believe you doubters
The bitter reality of death
by Bonsai inbeen a lot of death in my life recently.
a close family member died yesterday.
a close friend died 8 weeks ago - both from cancer.
When I was waking up, I found death and the prospect of being non-existent forever a bitter pill to swallow. Now however, I'm coming to terms with my own mortality. It makes me appreciate life more, friends and family, this beautiful planet and everything that I have and not take things for granted. How lucky am I to win this lottery of life by the throw of a dice - It was to be me and not the countless others who could have been in my place. I hope when the time comes for me to leave, I would have done my bit to make this world a better place.
There is a new letter to elders about Child Abuse
by ttdtt inanyone see that there is a long letter on how to handle child abuse?.
Elders still not required to alert the authorities, this shows total disregard to the wider community. The offender may be dis-fellowshipped but he or she may continue to prey on kids in the neighborhood. Reporting to the authorities and putting the offender in the sex register is the loving and right thing to do. But I guess it doesn't matter since they are "worldly" people.
I also wish all appointed men get DBS checked since for all practical reasons they do work with children.