So, I was sort of forced to spend time with my Uber-in parents. They went on gushing about the website, and the new business cards they have to give out to busy people. Really? Business cards? I’ve been out going on ten years and I swear this religion is a faint shadow of what it used to be. Another thing my mom told me was the new stuff they have on the Bible. Her words not mine. She said we don’t even have to study anymore because everything is done for us! I literally got sick to my stomach. She also said their congregation got a new brother and his wife who went to the SKE. Of course I had no clue what SKE was so instead of asking, I pulled out my phone logged onto JW net and searched SKE while standing inches from her. School for Kingdom Evangelizers? Really? Just thinking about this shit gets me sick and upset.
JoinedPosts by MTSman
SKE, and other acronymic crap
by MTSman inso, i was sort of forced to spend time with my uber-in parents.
they went on gushing about the website, and the new business cards they have to give out to busy people.
business cards?
I know this shouldn’t bother me...but
by MTSman inso i woke up this morning with nothing planned for the day.
i rolled out of bed around 9am and went to local mcky ds to get some breakfast, and lord and behold there was a group of jdubs sitting around eating and sipping on coffee, probable counting time.
anyway, i glanced over and recognized all of them and they glanced back at me.
So I woke up this morning with nothing planned for the day. I rolled out of bed around 9am and went to local Mcky Ds to get some breakfast, and lord and behold there was a group of jdubs sitting around eating and sipping on coffee, probable counting time. Anyway, I glanced over and recognized all of them and they glanced back at me. It was a quick judgmental glance. I know the glance because I used to flash it at df’d people I he I was in. You see I’m coming up on ten years out. I just was a zealous, company man who dreamed big, talked big and did everything I was supposed to do. My family can’t understand why I’m not back and know these folks think the same. But here’s the thing, whenever I do talk to my family, only when someone is in the hospital, they fill me in on everything that everyone is doing and most of the time it’s bad shit. And the folks here at this place, this morning we’re part of a some crap that went down that had even me shaking my head, but for some reason they looked at me like I was some diseased being. It bothered me for a good minute or so but then I just ignored them and went on. Is there anyone else that gets annoyed by people who act self righteous even though they really shouldn’t?
The speed with which I exited!!
by joe134cd ini was just thinking at how quickly the process was from pimi - pimo - pomo.
i must of spent about 10 years trudging along in the organization very unhappily.
but from the initial stages of learning ttatt to physically walking out the door the process took about 18 months.
Never mind, I figured it out.
The speed with which I exited!!
by joe134cd ini was just thinking at how quickly the process was from pimi - pimo - pomo.
i must of spent about 10 years trudging along in the organization very unhappily.
but from the initial stages of learning ttatt to physically walking out the door the process took about 18 months.
Ok, I really enjoy reading post, but sometimes I don’t know what the F everyone is talking about. Pimo, pimi, pimo? What the hell are these acronyms? Can someone please fill me in?
Spirit Channeling at Wallkill's Bethel
by Marie33 inlook what an ex-bethelite has to say about the spirit channeling he saw first hand up at wallkill:.
now i believe rayven's story of horror at brooklyn bethel:.
Not bullshit. First off, I’ve been following this guy for some time. He was laid off from the farm and it came as a shock to him. I watched the first of his videos and what he displays is genuine distrust, and disgust for this organization. I don’t think he was privy to all the juicy stuff within, but he’s been around long enough to see some interesting shit.
A while back, I knew a guy who roomed with a GB member. They got close and then one day after the book study, The Revelation book, he asked this GB member if they had communication with heaven. This GBs response was a yes. They do communicate with angels . I remember my other buddy and I being freak the fuck out over this. Even I’ve been around a long time and have heard first hand shit that would make your skin crawl. My father was one of those guys that used to tell me stories only if I asked. I clearly remember one night as a kid, around 13, I woke up because I heard my parents talking in the next room. My father was pale. He had just came back from an elders visit. It was 1am. He told me never to take anything from this family’s kid and then told me why. Apparently this family’s mother’s mother was some sort of chaneler, had gone crazy and was casting spells on this family. He told me how he heard, saw and felt things that weren’t normal. This story was verified by a friends sister who said she she saw things that freak her out at this house.
Ive never denied the existence of the spirt realm. I’ve never and will never Demi the existence of god, angels and demons. So as incredulous as this guys story sounds...I believe him.
Is it me?
by MTSman inso, i’ve been out going on 10 years and at times i think about going back, but i can never muster the energy.
over the last few however, i’ve noticed that a lot of people who were in good standing, and pillars in the congregation and org are now df’d.
most know i’ve been out for a while and see that i’m doing pretty good and want to talk or get together.
So, I’ve been out going on 10 years and at times I think about going back, but I can never muster the energy. Over the last few however, I’ve noticed that a lot of people who were in good standing, and pillars in the congregation and org are now df’d. Most know I’ve been out for a while and see that I’m doing pretty good and want to talk or get together. I’m polite in all, but really don’t want to hang out with the MFers that a few years ago looked at me like I was some syphilitic outcast. A good friend got divorced and df’d this year and wants to reconnect. I ignored him. I get stopped on the street and grin and walk away. Another guy I know was a rising star in the org. He was a pioneer for like thirty years, a sub Co, talks everywhere and now is some beaten down deleted old man. Am I the only one noticing that a lot of self righteous folks are now broken weeds?
I'm Fed up and I can't take it anymore!
by MTSman ini was born in four gen, been d.f.d.
for about eight years now.
my father had always been a true company man, although more times than i can count, he's always been floppy.
I was born in four gen, been D.F.d. for about eight years now. My father had always been a true company man, although more times than I can count, he's always been floppy. Like we never really had a family study on a consistent basis. That little thing annoyed the hell out of me. Doesn't really matter, but when we did have a family study it was always after a circuit assembly, or district convention when he was at his most self-righteous.
So, yesterday I stopped by parent's place because I hadn't seen their car in a few days. I called my mother and found out that my dad was in an accident and on top of that, my mom was in the hospital and no one bothered to tell me. Up until yesterday when I saw him sitting at the carts or wherever, I would stop and we'd talk. Nothing deep, and when I left I'd always say love you and leave. Today, I stop by to check up on him, and when I walked into his study room, he had one of the Org's pod casts on and I just knew what kind of reaction I was going to get. I smiled and said, "I was just checking up on you." To which he replied, "Why?"
"Because you're old and I care," I said.
"No need," he said and went on to tell me that the times I've had contact with him and mother is tearing her apart.
At that point I shook my head and walked out all the while he's telling me that he'll call me when something comes up.
I said, "Call me when he or my mother is in the hospital or dead." I'm done. I really love my family and friends that I left behind, but I just cannot stomach the self-righteousness. I can deal with the flip flops, and the whole 700 Clubifiying remake, but as far as the self-righteousness, can't do it. I've never been that way. I've always hated those who were that way and it appears that the more this fucking group evolves the more arrogant and self-righteous they get. I was so heated and hateful towards this fucking religion that I've pretty much resolved to never go back and therefore never talk to or see my parent's again.
Experience You'll Never Hear at The Conventions: I write Porn Part Time and Pioneer!
by MTSman ini’m a pioneer in city of brotherly love.
(yeah i said my city.
don’t give a fuck) most pioneers who need extra money, get a part gig working as a security guard, barista, or making sandwiches for a few bucks an hour.
LOL! These posts are funny!
Experience You'll Never Hear at The Conventions: I write Porn Part Time and Pioneer!
by MTSman ini’m a pioneer in city of brotherly love.
(yeah i said my city.
don’t give a fuck) most pioneers who need extra money, get a part gig working as a security guard, barista, or making sandwiches for a few bucks an hour.
I am an MTS Grad. Way back when no body knew what MTS was.
Experience You'll Never Hear at The Conventions: I write Porn Part Time and Pioneer!
by MTSman ini’m a pioneer in city of brotherly love.
(yeah i said my city.
don’t give a fuck) most pioneers who need extra money, get a part gig working as a security guard, barista, or making sandwiches for a few bucks an hour.
I’m a pioneer in City of Brotherly Love. (Yeah I said my city. Don’t give a fuck) Most pioneers who need extra money, get a part gig working as a security guard, barista, or making sandwiches for a few bucks an hour. Well, I found myself in need of some extra cash and was damned if I was going to some fucking sandwich shop, or sling overpriced coffee. I mean I’ve got a degree in English lit, with a concentration in creative writing, so I should be able to use the skills that I developed at the overpriced Ivy League University that I secretly attended.(Shh, don’t tell anyone) Right? Here’s the thing, I get bored very easy, so a job blogging, or aggregating the news, or doing some kind of journalistic writing wasn’t really for either. Quit a dilemma. Anyway, long story short, I started dabbling in erotica, to blow off steam, and got pretty good at it, so one day I trolled Craigslist and came across the ad; Can you write porn? I’m like, maybe. So I sent in a few samples of my past writing and a week later I got an e-mail saying that my erotic writing was exceptional. Never in a million years did I think I’d get a complement on my creatively using the words, fuck, suck, cunt, cock and pussy. So I was like hell yeah. I signed a contract and was told that I’d get .01 a word up to 5k words. Ok, so that’s thirty to fifty bucks a day. Cool, so how to start creatively writing sex?
Well one thing that helped me was my overbearing, religious upbringing as Jehovah’s Witness. I mean, in this fucking religion just thinking about tits and ass gets you in trouble. However, I had a large stash pornographic memories from my young adulthood due to my sinning. I mean according to the current Watchtower teachings I sinned greatly. The sin? I was addicted to porn. Scratch that. Addicted is such a strong word. I loved and love women. So if that’s a sin, fuck it. I’m going to hell. I mean hades. I mean, Gahanna. I mean, I’m erased from the book of life. Whatever!
Now these were the days that were way before internet, so in order to get my fix of tits and ass I had to visit bookstores and if I dared to, god forbid—buy a magazine, sneak it into my house and try to keep it in my room hidden from my parents. Most of the time, after a few jerk offs I was done and ended up throwing the magazine away a few days later. Did I feel guilty? Not really. Early on, I felt that sex and the attraction between men and women and boys and girls was something natural. I remember my father spazzing out because I stayed over a friend’s house and his sister had her friends over at the same time. What the fuck? I was always confused why sex was such a dirty word and thing. Where was I? Oh yeah writing porn, so my background and upbringing played a major part in my writing exceptional porn. Go figure.
I sent in a few stock stories that I had in my portfolio and quickly realized that if I wanted to keep the cash flow, I needed to quickly think of ways to continually create great sexualized characters and sexual situations. Now since I’m not that really that experienced in the romance department, (see second paragraph for explanation) I had to find inspiration. I needed enlightening as it were. Hmm. Well fortunately there is a plethora of free porn on the internet. And not just ordinary porn. Porn that I grew up on. Vintage porn. I belong to a site were members have lovingly scanned all the porn magazines that I used to sneak a peek at Tower Books, B. Dalton, Borders Barnes and Noble etc.
Looking back now with 20\20 hindsight I understand why magazines like Hustler, Penthouse and few other European mags were so groundbreaking. The pictorials were, of course sexually charged, but when looking at them through a different lens a storyline emerges. And they’re damn good stories as well. I mean really good. This was my lightbulb moment. Ding! So every day before I write, I scroll through my cache of hardcore pictorial and look for great stories. And you know what? It works. My client loves my writing and I make extra money doing a sinful thing that I love. Now, I just need to explain to my self-righteous girlfriend that looking at porn is part of my job.