I was very interested. Thank you and Hallelujah. The truth about the "truth" shall set you free (Joh 14:1-6)
JoinedPosts by Patrick45
If anyone is interested in my 'Coming out' video on Youtube....
by Newly Enlightened inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hx5mghrvbs.
Hi Riki,
Still believing in God and Jesus?
Still longing for salvation?
Just curious...
by The Searcher inin the very first paragraph, matthew 13:38 is to be read - "the field is the world; as for the fine seed, these are the sons of the kingdom; but the weeds are the sons of the wicked one..".
jesus speaks of only two groups, so if you accept the wtbts "anointed" doctrine, then if you haven't got the "heavenly hope", then you've got no hope!.
simply put, there aren't any 'other sheep' members of jesus' "one flock" mentioned, unless of course theyare also "sons of the kingdom", but of course, that would be ridiculous!!.
There is no hope out there without being adopted out of the Adamic offspring into Jah's family as a bro or a sis of Christ. (including OT saints as per Heb11) The other sheep are clearly identified in Eph. Ch 2 as non-jewish believers that are co-hairs with Christ being in the one flock. Look what happens to those remaining on earth after the millenium -they are called Gog and Magog and are easily assembeled against the holy city and the camp of the holy ones (few). Those have not entered New Jerusalem while the doors stood open during the millenium (Rev:21 last couple of verses) Rev 22:14,15 shows that only INSIDE new jerusalem saved ones are to be found. V15 shows that outside of NJ nothing good is to be found. The earthly class doctrine is so so flawed. Another line of biblical reasoning is that everyone worshipping the wild beast of Rev will drink of the wrath of God. Those who overcome are described in Rev 15:2 as standing on the sea of glass (in heaven) or consider Rev 20:4 says that those will reign with Christ for 1000y. Finally: The great crowd (Rev7) is serving in the divine habitation (per JW interlinear). THis is clearly confirmed in Rev 19:1.
This WT-fortification will fall for sure before the GT.
God bless.
Catholic Cardinal Says Adam and Eve Didnt Exist
by His Excellency inhttp://consciouslifenews.com/catholic-cardinal-adam-eve-didnt-exist/1127457/
Faith is a precious gift for those who have it. Those who dont believe, say its stupidity. There are also those who are not sure what to think. Why cant we just get along with each one another? Why at regular intervals in history the believers get persecuted and killed? We will always be the weak part in this world and you will always seem to have power over our fate. At the end of time all things will be clarified. Until then, everyone is free to chose. I have chosen. I stick with God and pray for all of you.
100% pure unadulterated speculation - what changes would a "New New World Tranlsation" contain?
by sir82 inon this thread:.
some (well, me, mostly) are speculating that the wts is planning to distribute a "new new world translation" some time soon.. if that is true, what changes do you think they would include?.
I think it would be a good idea to research the baptism formula contained in Mat.28:19. The evidence points towards a later addition dicted by Rome to "scriptualize" the trinity doctrine. As with the Comma Johanneum.
It should read that baptism has to be performed in Jesus name, as confirmed in Acts 2:38.
Happy reading.
Since Great Crowd has no mediator
by sosoconfused ini am thinking that maybe i missed this discussion or something.
now for years in the org i never ever paid attention to the article that says jesus is the mediator for the 144000 alone.
yesterday talking to my 70+ year old dad he got violently angry with me and threw his cane at me because he said i was a liar.. .
@Darth Rutherford,
Its amazing how far the denial goes. JW resemble the three apes, or rather two of them. Covering the eyes and the ears but preaching aloud.
They should be quick to listen...
Jesus died for my sins, this is the most precious thing I have learned (experienced) in my whole life. My 10plus y of close contact with JW did not open that to me.
"In a strict biblical sense... you have no rights and are damned to be our slaves until you die without a real hope" Heb 9:27
I freely preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to them at any possible occasion.
An excellent support doing this is this image of the org with the heavenly chariot, angels, NY gang, circuit gang, body of elders gang, but WITHOUT JESUS.
This tells more than 1000 words. They deny Jesus and are truly at risk to be judged as part of the anti-christ. Matth 23 comes unavoidingly to mind. Esp v 13.
Reply on Ytube
by Patrick45 ini posted some comments on br.
blane's zone overseer talk and all got deleted.
it was critical and i posted some bible verses also.
I posted some comments on br. Blane's zone overseer talk and all got deleted. It was critical and I posted some bible verses also. Zippp
Here is my personal message to the JW who posted the vids.
Sorry, I forgot that JW issues are not a matter of free speech. Is it ok to delete analytical comments, especially those containing bible verses?
Totalitarian regimes silence opposition and avoid reasoning!
I give you a quiz- What is the opposite of independent thinking?
Isnt it : not thinking at all`?
Besides, I am not an apostate, I was never a baptized JW, so at least on this point you dont have to worry.
In fact I love JW's. They often have high moral standards.
I only question the legitimacy of the org. By defaithfulizing CTRussel the whole 1914 legitimacy starts to tumble anyway.
Besides both issues about the 607bce date were full of lies. Research VAT 4956 if you dare. The Furuli chronology is a hoax. Noone exept the WT says its legit.
As the angels start their harvesting and more and more bros and sis's wake up to their son and daughtership, it will become clear that Jesus is at work, even within the org. (besides, it's more and more about the org these days and less and lesser about Jesus, the true source of redemption and grace (or undeserved kindness as you might put it.))
It will amaze you how the believers within WT will start partaking at the memorial. I wonder how long the (true) numbers will still be made public. I give the WT 2 years before they say that they dont keep book anymore.
Once the number surpasses 100k this will start to pose a real problem and there should be an adjustment in understanding coming shortly after or even before.
Compare the statement of mentally unbalencement to what is said about the sheep and goat parabel. I would not dare to label any devoute believer as anything else than a son or a daughter of Jehovah and a brother of Christ Jesus.
Best wishes.
Patrick -
Investments/Stocks & the Wall St. Casino
by tootired2care inthe stock market has had a big run-up over the last few years.
i believe this is in large part because the federal reserve and treasury dept.
have been pumping it up with fake money--you may disagree.
The good thing in this bad game is that de FED has unlimited credit in this game and they totally control it. If there is a gameplan, and I believe there is one, its hard to tell whether there will be a crash soon or only in a few years. NWO agenda is real imo. Preps are going on in a quiet and steady way. Sober analysis might help but most important will be to catch the waves and to watch for the sector rotation. Take care, its a shark infested pool.
are the elders waking up too?
by nowwhat? inwe have an older very faithfull elder body and whenever they talk about armegeddon or the end of this system of thiings, they always use "very near, close, soon, etc".
well on the stage one elder when talking about the great tribuation this week , he said "possibly in our lifetime" !!!
that really caught my attention and even my wife's too!
We certainly live in an extraordinary time period. As the FDS has taken the place of Christ and they are about to put themselves on the throne of Jehovah, judgement will be swift. Lawsuits based on their dirty cover up of pedophilia cases could cost them billions. More important is the drain of devouted true christians from the org. They will be left without anointment and there will be spiritual distress, hunger and thirst. The grip will become harder and harder and it will become more and more evident what kind of slave is in charge. Jesus holds the 7 stars in his hand and he directs things and has throughout the last 2000 years led true christians to himself as he alone is the true good shepperd. This message is a very powerful one to JW´s realy in search for truth!
God bless.
PS. One important advice for those leaving. There are many wolves within AND outside the org. Always test anyone proclaiming to be a christian.
Are you going to heaven?
by compound complex ingreetings:are you convinced (with all due humility, of course) of your future destination according to religious beliefs?
perhaps you'd simply like to journey through outer space, but return eventually to our beautiful planet, earth .
Definately yes. Jesus died for the believers. Flesh and blood will not inherit the koG. Read 1Cor. 15 which shows "And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. 50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption. 51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. 54 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.
You might also consider Romans 8 which shows that a life by and through the spirit is essential for the carnal man cannot please YHWH.