@Darth Rutherford,
Its amazing how far the denial goes. JW resemble the three apes, or rather two of them. Covering the eyes and the ears but preaching aloud.
They should be quick to listen...
Jesus died for my sins, this is the most precious thing I have learned (experienced) in my whole life. My 10plus y of close contact with JW did not open that to me.
"In a strict biblical sense... you have no rights and are damned to be our slaves until you die without a real hope" Heb 9:27
I freely preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to them at any possible occasion.
An excellent support doing this is this image of the org with the heavenly chariot, angels, NY gang, circuit gang, body of elders gang, but WITHOUT JESUS.
This tells more than 1000 words. They deny Jesus and are truly at risk to be judged as part of the anti-christ. Matth 23 comes unavoidingly to mind. Esp v 13.