Maybe there's a good reason why Jews have been universally hated throughout the ages.
JoinedPosts by cookiemaster
Jewish Hatred Is Nothing New
by minimus injews have been vilified for centuries!
they were nomads looking for the promised land.
they have been nearly exterminated and yet they are still in the middle east as well as a brotherhood throughout the world.
Looking back a year at Covid
by pistolpete inmarch of last year covid was declared a pandemic that would take hundreds of millions of lives world wide.. here are the facts after a year.. the world population is 7,800,000,000 (billions).
114,770,269 millions of people have caught the virus as of today.
aprox 91 million recovered from the virus,.
Exactly, what the media is telling us doesn't make sense, nor does the disproportionately harsh response from the authorities for such a mild virus. Even more unjustified is the response to the so called second wave, when we fully knew how harmless the virus really is. In addition, there's now strong evidence that Ivermectin successfully treats the virus and decreases mortality by around 75% and serious cases. The use of this effective cheap and safe generic medicine has been suppressed. Nothing makes sense about this virus.
For the past year I've worked as a taxi driver and came in close contact with thousands of people, yet I never had a symptom. Watching all the politicians and the World Economic Forum talk about the Great Reset makes it clear this was yet another attempt to bankrupt the West. Funny how China had virtually no cases after the start of the outbreak while Western countries handicap themselves to this day.
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HELP!! Just Woken Up - Fanatical Mom wants to report me
by Scarlett_Martin ini've just been introduced to this site by a pimo friend of mine.
this will be my first post on this website.
i need help, and he told me you guys are a very supportive community.. i'm a female in my mid twenties.
I'm PIMO. My parents are the same. Marry me, I will give you a home and we can pretend to be JWs together and fade together.
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In my country the preaching work is over
by cookiemaster inthe jws in my country can't preach to anyone these days and they're going crazy.
i live in romania and initially during the covid-19 lockdown they were very enthusiastic about preaching.
they've since held daily "field service meetings" on zoom.
@stan I think the Governing Body has banned in person preaching for now. At least formal preaching. Since they can't bother people on the phone or through letters either, I guess their only remaining option will be to spam the internet with their 'preaching', but that's more difficult to do well for them as most are old and computer illiterate.
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In my country the preaching work is over
by cookiemaster inthe jws in my country can't preach to anyone these days and they're going crazy.
i live in romania and initially during the covid-19 lockdown they were very enthusiastic about preaching.
they've since held daily "field service meetings" on zoom.
@Overrated Good to hear. I wonder what the baptisms number will be this year. It will probably be abysmally low. The preaching work has become a bunch of chit chat coffee drinking sessions on Zoom from what I've seen. My parents are acting like it's such important work but they rarely even manage to have a half-decent phone conversation with anyone.
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In my country the preaching work is over
by cookiemaster inthe jws in my country can't preach to anyone these days and they're going crazy.
i live in romania and initially during the covid-19 lockdown they were very enthusiastic about preaching.
they've since held daily "field service meetings" on zoom.
The JWs in my country can't preach to anyone these days and they're going crazy. I live in Romania and initially during the COVID-19 lockdown they were very enthusiastic about preaching. They've since held daily "field service meetings" on Zoom. They wrote letters to all kinds of people and pestered them with phone calls. The elders found online phone books and assigned territories. They would bother strangers in very awkward unwanted phone calls asking their moronic JW questions. People didn't take kindly to being constantly bothered with phone calls from strangers, so they threatened the websites that published their phone numbers to sue.
In the EU there are various laws, like GDPR, that regulate breaking privacy and using other people's personal information very strictly. Publishing someone's phone number without their consent is basically illegal. Giving them unwanted phone calls repeatedly and bothering them is illegal. Writing them unsolicited letters is illegal. Having a conversation and broadcasting that private conversation on Zoom without consent is also illegal. JWs were basically breaking the law and people have had enough after months of being harassed.
Now, the preaching work is basically gone. Those websites with phone registries were taken down. They aren't allowed to write letters to strangers anymore. They can't call strangers anymore. Even their friends and families have had enough of their 'preaching' work after months of daily calls on religious matters. Now the CO is encouraging them to do pioneering, but they don't have anyone to preach to and they're going crazy. It's quite hilarious! Anything similar happen in your country? I expect similar things happening in most European countries.Link +20 / -0 -
Poll/ So Who Do You Think Will Win The Presidency?
by minimus ini have always felt trump will win again.
i just don’t see biden winning.. what’s your prediction?.
Considering that the Democrats are coddling and in some cases funding and supporting Marxist radicals that are literally setting fire to the country and using ghetto thugs to attempt to destroy the lives and livelihoods of the Americans that actually keep the society functional and civilized, Trump should in theory easily win in a landslide. Not just Trump but the entire left wing should be politically obliterated.
However, you can already see articles popping up in left wing outlets preparing the public for the ways in which the left is intending to at the very least contest, if not outright steal the election from Trump. This event would create such chaos and destruction it will like another Bolshevik revolution and only the law and order response from conservatives could keep American society functioning.
Really, if you are a decent person and you put value in the principles upon which America was founded, on The Constitution and on your life, especially if you are white, beware of the importance of this election. This will be the most important election in our lifetimes. We've already seen the Democrats and their Marxist allies go turbo communist these past few years. If the Marxists take the election, America is done. It will turn into the new Soviet Union. Whites and light skinned Hispanics will be persecuted and their lives destroyed. Make no mistake about it! Your very survival depends on it, and if you don't believe me read about all the communist revolutions that took place less than a century ago and all the massacres that followed.Link +3 / -1 -
Did you attend the ''Always Rejoice!'' 2020 Convention? You missed out on true HAPPINESS!
by RULES & REGULATIONS in2020 convention of jehovah’s witnesses: “always rejoice”!.
in this problem-filled world, true happiness can be found.
learn how to rejoice constantly!
JoenB75 that would be a good marketing move. It's one of the few times I've seen them use someone I'd actually describe as beautiful. Certainly easy on the eyes and a great relief after looking at those gibbering old men for hours on end.
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Did you attend the ''Always Rejoice!'' 2020 Convention? You missed out on true HAPPINESS!
by RULES & REGULATIONS in2020 convention of jehovah’s witnesses: “always rejoice”!.
in this problem-filled world, true happiness can be found.
learn how to rejoice constantly!
I caught some glimpses here and there while my parents were watching. I'm just shocked they used a cute, attractive, blonde actress as one of the main characters for once. She reminded me of Avril Lavigne, very cute. She's about the only reason why the convention even caught my attention.
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“The Asiatic Mind” — Watchtower 1956
by slimboyfat insearching instances of the word “simplify” in watchtower literature, i stumbled across this.. the asiatic mind finds it difficult to accept new ways, to simplify and to make advantageous changes.
they fear conversion and dislike others’ offering them help.
many continually live in a realm of unreality and refuse to face modern facts of life.
He was right though. Asians as a group rarely innovate. They have fewer geniuses and their IQ is more evenly distributed. Most of the progress seen in Asia in the past 50 years has been catching up to Western countries and copying or refining our technology. Not saying they didn't invent anything ever but as a group they are far less innovative than Caucasians. There's nothing wrong with pointing out racial realities.
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