Thanks Marvin.
Good usual.
recently my observation is that participants here have rekindled interest in watchtowers blood doctrine.
this is particularly true of newer participants.
with this in mind, today i loaded a new article onto my blog that should stun the average witness.
Thanks Marvin.
Good usual.
for those of you who missed it, my dear husband went into full cardiac arrest on 11/22/10.
he was dead for about five minutes.
our boarder, jose helped me get him out of our small downstairs bathroom out into the kitchen where he started cpr.
I really feel for you.
To have future of the love of your life hanging by such a slender thread, must wrench your whole being.
I am so happy for both of you that he is recovering.
he is undergoing very serious brain surgery today.
pray for him and his beautiful mrs. rabbit.
both them are seriously ill and it's not easy for them..
I do hope all goes well for them both.
my jw mum came to visit.
i have said before that she is the only sane jw i know.... she is 70 now and just returned from a holiday to england to see her mother (91).
she went with her daughter who is disassociated for some years now.. anyway, she and her husband (faded, not my dad nor stepfather) made a quick trip down by car from queensland.
That you did not feel the need to tell her the truth about the "truth" shows you are your mother's son.
She respects your entitlement to views different to hers and you are doing the same for her. Good son.
I can understand you are the envy of many.
just wanting to know what has/is/about to happen to the spanish bethel.
is there any news coming out of there lately?
ff .
Perhaps he means the Spanish bethel in Spain.
former jehovah's witnesses,craig emswiller is now a jewish rabbi, and is speaking up on the dialogue progam today sat.
nov,27, 2010, 7pm est.
dialouge is hosted by former jehovah's witnesses presiding overseer and watchtower historian richard rawe.
I am not surprised. I think it could be a natural progression from the rules of the Watchtower to the
next step of the rules, laws and judgementalism of Judaism.
There are none more judgmental on this board that our own resident Jewish gentleman.
this is in response to this announcement:.
steve had quite a crowd and met a lot of people.
the synagogue brought him out to educate the large congregation in downtown la area.
Thanks Randy.
swiss tv program my reaction to the tv forum participants.
this afternoon, william heinzer, the journalist who, together with florence, were responsible for the swiss tv program called me and confirmed that, although this program on jehovahs witnesses has been the one which had the highest number of interventions in the tv forum, they had to withdraw the forum, because of the atrocious allegations made against myself and my two kids, fulvio and amanda.. i planned to copy and publish on my site, a selection of the jw and ex.jw posts, just to show the low moral of these people, who pretend to worship the true god.
even ex-jw, whom i know pretty well, and who were expelled for immorality, but still believe the jw are jehovahs only people, have spit their venom against us.
Thank you Roberto,
You have done well. Keep up the good work.
apart from the scripture about love being the identifying mark of a christian, it seems to me that james 1,27 and matthew 25:34-40 quoted below are the biblical priorities of a christian.. .
although preaching was not included in the three quotes i guess it would be included as christian thing to do.
it has been the thing most stressed by the watchtower hierarchy and certain hours are required to be an elder etc.. does it show something about their priorities that pioneers can count time hour for hour when working on watchtower buildings?
It is about control. Compassion has absolutely nothing to do with it (nor Christ, for that matter.)
Baba, isn't that the saddest thing. I'm still coming to grips with that fact. Sadly, I was a true believer.
apart from the scripture about love being the identifying mark of a christian, it seems to me that james 1,27 and matthew 25:34-40 quoted below are the biblical priorities of a christian.. .
although preaching was not included in the three quotes i guess it would be included as christian thing to do.
it has been the thing most stressed by the watchtower hierarchy and certain hours are required to be an elder etc.. does it show something about their priorities that pioneers can count time hour for hour when working on watchtower buildings?
I enjoyed reading all your replies. Thank you for taking the time to do so.
I had a little giggle when Wasanelder wrote "They just might feel the real satisfaction of helping someone in need."
Will reply to more later.