Thank you Johnny,
That is exactly what I wanted. I appreciate your taking the time to scan it for me.
once more with feeling!!!!!!.
we are not attending meetings and do not have the bible reading schedule.
shortly we will have as house guests two very precious jehovahs witness friends.
Thank you Johnny,
That is exactly what I wanted. I appreciate your taking the time to scan it for me.
hate strong word .
i hate jehovahs witnesses pure and simple.
i know hate is a strong word and people often try to encourage one to find an alternative manner of description.
Your post makes sense when one keeps in mind that it was written by a donkey.
Thanks Mac !!!!!!!!!!!!
pretty weak article this sunday.
but it seems that mildness is lacking in the "true congregation" mostly likely among the elders and between the elders and cos.. comments you wont hear at the 5-11-03 wt study.
april 1, 2003 watchtower.
Thanks Blondie,
You are so perceptive. Just love the way you can skim through an article and get the message behind the message. I sit here in stunned amazement as I recall my naiveté as a Witness. I used just open my mind and let it all pour in.
Having said that, I am not of the persuasion that just because a thought emanates from the WTS it is automatically garbage. In fact I am, and always will be, very grateful for the Bible principles I learned as a child via the WTS. It's just a shame it took me so long to sort the good from the bad.
Thanks again Blondie I look forward to your WT reviews and appreciate your sorting process.
once more with feeling!!!!!!.
we are not attending meetings and do not have the bible reading schedule.
shortly we will have as house guests two very precious jehovahs witness friends.
Once more with feeling!!!!!!
We are not attending meetings and do not have the Bible reading schedule. Shortly we will have as house guests two very precious Jehovah’s witness friends. Although we read the Bible we do not use the society’s recommended schedule. Anyone have a schedule for the two weeks June 10-25 they could scan for me?
Thank you in advance.
as rutherford progressively tightened his grip over the "companies" (as congregations were then termed), he ran into increasing difficulty with "russellite hold-overs" and elective elders.
he'd already infiltrated the companies with his brooklyn-appointed "service directors," but many many jws were resisting his attempts to enforce total conformity to wts policies.
chicago was one such "hot spot," leading to the following show-down:1933 watchtower, may 15 page 153. .
Thanks Craig. Interesting stuff.
i think we all share an obligation to help "newbies" and "lurkers" on this way i try to help is by asking questions that they might be more inclined to think about while in their position.
do you post here with these new ones and lurkers in mind or do you primarily post to share association with friends that you already have?
You are correct: the bitterness expressed and lies spoken by some ex -witnesses, many years ago put me off. Even then I had lots of doubts and questions about the organization, but listening to them spewing out bitterness and half truths, turned me away from them. My reaction was, “They are bitter liars”.
I can understand that some brothers, who are severely hurt because of the lies and the deceptions found in the JW system, would feel disappointed, betrayed, hurt and even bitter. However, since there is so much overwhelming TRUTHFUL evidence that this religion has gone off the tracks, I feel there is no need to throw mud. Remember “He who throws mud loses ground”. The bitterness stopped me from investigating the JWs theology, and unfortunately it took me much longer to get out of the system. It took the impartial, reasoned, Christian thoughts of Ray Franz to galvanize my thinking.
There is no doubt in my mind that the way to attract concerned witnesses is by love: The love we show to them and the Christian attitude we show to their organization. We must remember “By this everyone will know you are …………..if you have love”. What right do we have to condemn their group, if we do not show love ourselves?
What I have said above in no way negates empathy I feel for those whose hearts are broken and who have every reason to feel bitter because of the pain caused them as a direct result of the dictates of this harsh religion.
[Mr.] yesidid
For a start I want to say from experience, there are a lot of sincere, kind, yes loving Jehovah’s Witnesses. I know many. You see I was bought up a third generation Witness. When younger I pioneered and my husband had many positions of responsibility in the organization. We got to know many Jehovah’s Witness and, even more important, the organization behind the people.
We still love many of the people. Unfortunately they are being manipulated [as we were], by a hierarchy of power hungry men. Of course JW’s are not the only ones. Mormons are a high control group as are many others.
However my knowledge and experience are restricted to JW’s.
So I say to you, what ever you do;
“Don’t get baptized”. “Don’t lose all your present friends”. “ Don’t alienate your family”.
The problem with getting baptized is they don’t tell you everything. The fine print says that if at anytime in the future you disagree with anything printed by the Watchtower society you face the distinct possibility of being disfellowshiped.
That is the reason I warned against losing your entire support group. When you are disfellowshiped all those kind Witnesses will stop associating with you. They will not even acknowledge you in the street. They will turn the other way. Then what? You have no one!
We are now in the position of approaching 70 and having no friends who are not JW’s.
The problem is we can no longer support a group which we have found has lied and deceived us and all our friends and family. Now in our older age we could be bereft of all human support if we even so much as questioned the claim that this is the sole organization used by God at this time.
We would definitely be disfellowshiped if we showed the elders in our congregation the proof we have that the society has lied and covered up about their 1914 prediction, the blood issue and many other things.
There is no freedom with that group. I know many people want to be told what to do. That is fine. If it makes sense and does not go against your conscience. The problem is;
Can you be absolutely sure that there is nothing they would ask of you at any time in the future that would not disturb your conscience? Remember whatever your personal conscience says is irrelevant. You must do as you are told.
Always remember; They hold the weapon, [disfellowshiping] it is loaded and ready for use. I know it has been used against many good people.
You and I are not exceptions.
Be very careful .
my journey out began with this and other ''eyeopening" internet sites [thank you simon].
i have since read ray franz's two books and greg stafford's "dissertations".
although i am very grateful to have found out that my years of questions had a solid base and i now see the wts for what it is, i have decided i need more positives in my life.
My journey out began with this and other ''eyeopening" internet sites [thank you Simon]. I have since read Ray Franz's two books and Greg Stafford's "Dissertations".
Although I am very grateful to have found out that my years of questions had a solid base and I now see the WTS for what it is, I have decided I need more positives in my life.
Could anyone suggest books which may help my future journey.
I still believe in God and the Bible. I do not believe the trinity teaching, and am not interested in reading works promoting it.
I just want to get on with my life in a positive manner.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
yesidid [of the onward movement class].