Hi I am new here. I have been reading your posts at work. I have been studing with the witnesses for about a year this last time. I have almost completed the Knowledge book. Before reading these posts I had wanted to be a JW more than anything, seems nothing else was more important to me. When some one would say something bad about the JWs I would think that it was another example of the witnesses being persecuted because of the truth, the same way Jesus was. So I never paid them any mind. While studying someone said something to the extent that God would expose all false religion and this was why the Catholic religion was being exposed. They more or less told me that this type of thing does not happen in their organization.(pedophiles) (and I beleived them ) Then I stumbled upon this forum, I feel betrayed. I know I still beleive in God but where do I GO NOW!! I want to worship God, but how do I do it now. I have come to realise that the guilt that I was feeling about not being baptised was wrong. I have not stopped studying and I need some advise on how to quit. They are always so nice when they come by. When I first told my daughter that we would no longer celebrate birthdays she cried I felt bad but wanted to make Jehovah happy. Also I was afraid that the world was gonna end and the only people that would be their or be saved were the witnesses when I know that I have met some GOOD people. Point is I dont know where to turn now. The more I think about it the more I feel angry. Please help advise, experiences would all be helpful.
by jusastudy 37 Replies latest jw friends
Hi jusastudy,
I feel like a broken record here because I use this verse so often. When I first left the JW religion, I wondered the same thing. Where do I go now? Then one day while looking through the Bible, I came across this.
1st John 2:27 As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit--just as it has taught you, remain in him.
The jws say that without their teaching us we can not come to an understanding of the Bible but the Bible says that we only need the Holy Spirit to teach us.
About being persecuted. Well when you look at it, we the one who have left the religion have been persecuted, lied about. They say we are vile, demonized people. That is totally untrue. We just know the history about the religion we were in and that what they teach is not the truth.
BTW, welcome to the forum.
Hello Justastudy. Wild horses gave you some good scriptural advice. Unless you have some friends or relatives in the jw organization, I would just tell the people you study with, that you no longer want to consider becoming a jw. This way you cut the strings quickly and without a lot of explaining or excuses.
They will try to talk you out of quiting the study and do a grief trip on you. Just be firm and take that stand
If you worry about losing friends or family, I would do a slow fade out and just drift away. They will forget about in a few months.
Be aware that any friends you have made, that are jw's, will probably no longer want to be your friend. Don't take that as a loss.
Good wishes, in your search for spirituality. Remember that Christ tells us that we need no one person or organization to teach us his truths.
Before reading these posts I had wanted to be a JW more than anything, seems nothing else was more important to me.
What was it that brought you here?
Welcome. I know that you are confused and it is hard right now but you have been given a real blessing. You are beginning to see just what the jw teachings really are. They are masters at twisting the scriptures. I know that you have tons of emotions right now and questions galore. You will find help here. Wildhorses is right about not needed anyone to teach you. That is what the holy spirit does. Jesus said to ask for the holy spirit, remember? He said that we would never receive a stone when we asked for bread. He added that we would never receive a scorpion if we ask for a fish. He said that although we as humans are wicked, that even we know how to give good gifts to our children.......then he said, How much more then, will your Father in heaven give the holy spirit to those who ask. Seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened. You will be set free. Just pray and ask your heavenly father to please send you some comfort in the holy spirit in the name of Jesus. Trust in Him, not man's teachings.
They will try to talk you out of quiting the study and do a grief trip on you
Out, that happened to me too. When I was studying, I spoke to the lady in the office of the appartment complex I was living in at the time. She was a minister also and brought out some things that made me rethink wanting to study. Well my study instrutor told me that now that I am learning the truth, that Satan will do anything to stop me and he was trying to tare down all her builing work that she had done with my study. I believed her. lol I look back now and think. How stupid I was.
Jusastudy. Welcome. You are a smart person to fully investigate what you are being taught. I'm sure you have been taught about false religion and how important it is to research and question what you are being taught. There are many good things about Jehovah's Witnesses. For many they did lead questionable lives, they changed and felt much happier after joining the Witnesses. But the same can also be said for others who had no religious or spiritual backgrounds and found that with other organized religions. From a distance the Witnesses seem to have all the answers. They seem to offer something so good like no one else offers. The problem is the more time you are involved with them, and the deeper you go in to the heart or the organization there are ugly truths and lies. For many of us on this board we have experienced them first hand. There are far too many who have been victim of gross immoralities, judgements, and sad sad treatment. They will show such 'Christian Love' to those who are studying. This is something we like to call 'love bombing.' Eventually that will fade and you will see alot of unchristian conduct. And it is not simply because of being an imperfect human which is something they use to excuse behaviour. Much of the treatment is what they are instructed to do from the Society, and in many cases is not bible based.
There are many on here who can offer doctrinal contradictions to many Jehovah's Witness teachings. I am not as versed in that aspect because I have no desire to argue. Some points you should ask your study conductor about: 1. The Witnesses put so much emphasis on Charles Taze Russell. Ask your conductor why there is no prophesy of him and the bible students specifically in the bible? 2. Ask your conductor what the Society's instructions for rape victims have been for the past 3 decades.
If you do not already have one, I would suggest reading their Proclaimers book. I can tell you this first hand. I was raised a Jehovah's Witness. My father was an Elder. My mom was a Pioneer. I was a regular pioneer and conducted bible studies such as your's. I served where the need was great. I was a delegate for several international coventions and had parts on assemblies. I am no longer a Jehovah's Witness, not because I sinned and had a hardened heart, or didnt want to follow rules, or allowed Satan to put doubt in my mind. My reason for leaving was because I started to do research, such as you are doing and discovered some rather disturbing things that I could not ignore. When I brought these to the Elders to address, they could not offer me valid answers and instead were argumentative. At a time when I was simply searching as I became an adult, they instead told my parents that to save their spirituality, they should have me leave their home.
The need for God and spirituality is something that so many of us at some point search for. I can not offer you the answer to that. But I can tell you where it is not.
Be warned, you may find some rather pasionate responses, simply because many on here are very angry for being lied to for so long. It is not intentional, but, like they preach about others, they too are misguided.
Welcome, jus
May I suggest you read Crisis of Conscience and In Search of Christian Freedom by Ray Franz. Maybe that will help you.
I'm so sorry, jusastudy, I never gave you the scriptures to read that I quoted above. It is Luke 11:9-13. Please read it. There is so much for you to learn but you will fed by the holy spirit all things in due time. I am truly excited for you and glad that you are here! Love, dj
: I know I still beleive in God but where do I GO NOW!!
Go straight to your local 7-11 and buy three Eskimo Pies! (Peter didn't ask WHERE he should go, but WHO he should go in case Jesus went away.) The WTS has twisted that question for their own benefit for decades. Re-read it. It is not about WHERE, but about WHO. WHO guides people to Jesus. WHERE guides people to the Watchtower Publishing Corporation. Do you see the difference here? The WTS has replaced Jesus with themselves. They do this all the time.
: I want to worship God, but how do I do it now.
Any decent God worth his Godship not only doesn't want to be worshipped, he doesn't NEED to be worshipped. Only ancient tribal, insecure and asshole Gods REQUIRE worship. Do human fathers DEMAND their own children worship them or face death? Well, those that do are summed up in one word: "psychos." That being the case, and given that fact that we humans are so puny and God is so almighty and all, then WHY would he be more petty, insecure and selfish than yer average human did with regards to his own children?
God doesn't want to be worshipped. He's GOD. He doesn't need puny humans that HE CREATED to validate his existence. He just wants us to do our best. And that's that about that.
Get on with your life. God can take care of himself. Unless he's a worthless and petty little piece-of-shit God. And if that is the case, send him to hell. He's a loser, then.