Why, thank you. We haven't had that subject for all of twenty minutes.
JoinedPosts by yesidid
by Jesus Witness inhow many true gods are there.
did not like hell or jesus being god and i'm sure quite a few other things too.
after all jesus did say:
In Search Of Christian Freedom
by Diogenes in.
i've just received the raymond franz book mentioned above...(it takes time as it's shipped from america).. i've got 4 hours before my dad (elder) comes home from work.. i don't have time to read the book so if anybody could advise pages that are particularly good for me to discuss with my dad i'd be much obliged.. thanks in advance.
I am still trying to figure out why anyone buys In search.....from Amazon or anywhere accept Ray himself at Commentary Press
Ray is cheaper, much faster and you're going to help him more.
Of course you can get In Search.......... and Crisis of Conscience at the same time.
by IP_SEC inblondie you prolly get tired of hearing this but thanks so much for your labor of love.
i dont get the mags anymore, but im glad to be able to keep up with what's being said in the wt through your weekly comments on the wt study.. i would think it might get tiresome to wade through the bs in the articles week after week.
im sure it takes a lot of your time to research, then type your post.
A few weeks ago I got my days mixed up (I'm no Blondie). I thought Blondie wasn't going to post her usual WT review.
Did I go into a decline. I only came out of it when I saw the usual Comments You Will Not Hear at the ............ Phew it was close. I am used to my stupid mistakes, but for Blondie to miss a WT commentary would have totally ruined my whole week.
Thanks Blondie, you're a real trooper.
At what age should a person loss their drivers licence?
by free2beme inin my area, in the last year, there has been six people killed in three separate accidents by someone over the age of 70. in two cases, the elderly people lived while the other drivers did not.
in one case the elderly person was killed, as well as the people they hit.
of the six people killed, two were children under the age of five.
think if it was announced now that at age 70 you loss your licence. People would protest for awhile and people would have talks about losing their freedoms. In a short few years, it would just become common and people would not only accept it, they would come to expect and plan their life around it. Perhaps moving to locations with good transit systems, or maybe even assisted living homes. I think a lot does depend on health, but it would make the law or regulation, almost impossible to regulate if you had a 1000 loop holes. Sometimes, for the greater good, some just have to grin and bear it.
Let's have this conversation again when you are 69.
Why is Jehovah organization or Jehova's Witness so critizise?
by toer5777 inwhy not the catholic church or others religions?
i dont understand that how a religion that douesn't go to war, don't buy guns, they preach for free they dont get paid,there not rasist, they love there neighbors they treat others well, they dont bother you if you dont want them to pass by your house they wont.
why so much hate, if they go strictly by what the bible says.
Hi Toer, (I put this on your other thread by mistake, sorry)
I just want to say that I appreciate your concern for the people on this board.
It is obvious you are sincere and believe Jehovah's Witnesses are the organization Jehovah is using at this time.
I must say I agree with much of what you say.
However I do have one little problem and you may be able to help me.
If the organization is "Spirit directed", which means Jehovah's Holy Spirit is actually directing it, why has it had
to change it's teachings on over 30 doctrines.
I would have thought that Jehovah's spirit would have been able to get it right first time.
So has Jehovah's spirit made mistakes?
Unfortunately we only have two options:
1. We should obey the organization because it IS guided and directed by Jehovah's Holy Spirit, but unfortunately the Holy Spirit makes mistakes. or
2. We should obey only Jehovah and what He says in the Bible, because the organization has made many mistakes so could not be guided by Jehovah's Holy spirit [which does not make mistakes], and they are rather naughty to claim such a thing.
I'm sorry but
by toer5777 ini have not yet to find another organization in the world that is like jw.
yes it has made mistakes, there imperfect humans, but what other organization in the world goes preaching house to house like jesus did.
why is that jw are persecuted all over the world?
Hi Toer,
I just want to say that I appreciate your concern for the people on this board.
It is obvious you are sincere and believe Jehovah's Witnesses are the organization Jehovah is using at this time.
I must say I agree with much of what you say.
However I do have one little problem and you may be able to help me.
If the organization is "Spirit directed", which means Jehovah's Holy Spirit is actually directing it, why has it had
to change it's teachings on over 30 doctrines.
I would have thought that Jehovah's spirit would have been able to get it right first time.
So has Jehovah's spirit made mistakes?
Unfortunately we only have two options:
1. We should obey the organization because it IS guided and directed by Jehovah's Holy Spirit, but unfortunately the Holy Spirit makes mistakes. or
2. We should obey only Jehovah and what He says in the Bible, because the organization has made many mistakes so could not be guided by Jehovah's Holy spirit [which does not make mistakes], and they are rather naughty to claim such a thing.
What do you think?
Windowless Kingdom Halls
by drahcir yarrum insome time back, i had a disagreement with my brother-in-law, who even though he has doubts about the witnesses, still wants to put on the cloak of being a believer for his mother's sake.
while he acknowledges the doctrinal errors and abysmal treatment of the flock by their elders, he doesn't want to assign a malicious, controlling motivation to it.
i told him that i believed the idea of not having windows in kingdom halls was part of the brain washing that occurs during meeting after meeting during the weeks, months and years.
Were the windows open? Were the curtains open?
Yes the windows and curtains were open and sometimes the doors.
Windowless Kingdom Halls
by drahcir yarrum insome time back, i had a disagreement with my brother-in-law, who even though he has doubts about the witnesses, still wants to put on the cloak of being a believer for his mother's sake.
while he acknowledges the doctrinal errors and abysmal treatment of the flock by their elders, he doesn't want to assign a malicious, controlling motivation to it.
i told him that i believed the idea of not having windows in kingdom halls was part of the brain washing that occurs during meeting after meeting during the weeks, months and years.
I have been in over one hundered kh's and every one had windows.
by findingmyway inuncertainty's second wave hurricane katrina evacuees face life after the d.c. armory
by theola s. labbe
washington post staff writer.
I can't stand the majority of the 70+ crowd. I've known quite a few, some have been nice, but the majority are real a**holes! They expect to be waited on hand and foot. They don't think twice about using racial slurs around whomever. They think they can lecture you endlessly, and don't even think you can talk back. They'll overpower a room with there mere presence, and boy do they love to be "present." I would love nothing more than to punch the lights out of one of those types!
This doesn't say much about the 70 plus crowd, but it does say a lot about you.