Why not the catholic church or others religions? I dont understand that how a religion that douesn't go to war, don't buy guns, they preach for free they dont get paid,there not rasist, they love there neighbors they treat others well, they dont bother you if you dont want them to pass by your house they wont. Why so much hate, if they go strictly by what the bible says. Yes there has been thing that maybe you have seen in the congregacion that they were not right but there inperfect. I dont know. But I think that people should'nt judge others so harshly
Why is Jehovah organization or Jehova's Witness so critizise?
by toer5777 52 Replies latest jw friends
Because we can and you cant stop us. Doesnt the society do likewise to other religious organisations? Why do you think they should be exempt?
good job mrsjones
But I think that people should'nt judge others so harshly
Judging people harshly is what Jehovah's Witnesses have done throughout their history. They claim that everyone, even babies, who are not JWs deserve to be killed at Armageddon.
But I think that people should'nt judge others so harshly
What makes you think Jehovah's Witnesses dont judge people? -
I, for one, criticize your appalling grammar and copious spelling errors.
in a new york bethel minute
have you ever heard a Jehovah's Witness use the expression " WORLDLY"? well that's call judging... HARSHLY. you see, jehovah's witnesses believe that everyone that is alive when armageddon comes WILL DIE, IF THEY ARE WORLDLY. they are condemning 6 billion people to death every time they use that expression. that's called harsh judgement, and jesus strictly forbade it.
they love there neighbors, they treat others well,
Well, besides the fact that as a whole, what you said above is simply untrue, they spread lies as Truth, mislead, deceive, break apart families, shelter abusers of many sorts... shall I go on?
I know jw dont judge people because i'm one, and the society doesnt judge anyone nor it tells people if you dont do something your going to hell. They dont scare people they respect others. Yes clearly there are things that the bible states that they are wrong. There principles they cant be changed. Jehovah has put those principles not us, JW guide and imitate jesus preaching.