@Fisherman... Seriously?
Are you playing devil's advocate, or are you just ignorant?
Perpetrators rarely self-report!
Victims, witnesses and whistleblowers very often DO report, and such reports are well outside of communications protected by clergy/penitent privilege. Therefore, serious accusations of criminality should be promptly forwarded to secular authorities for expert investigation.
Compelling the institutions to forward accusations of criminal behavior to prosecutorial authorities may deter false accusers, yet prompt an actual perpetrator to better cooperate with secular investigation.
A truly remorseful perpetrator willing to secretly confess to churchy officials should likewise be willing to face up to secular officials and the full force of law.
If a confessed perpetrator wants the church to shield him from secular prosecution, was it really a sincere confession?
Is a secret & shielded confession true remorse? No.
- Secret church confessions do not facilitate restitution for the victim(s)!
- Secret church confessions do not adequately protect society, nor prevent future victimisations.
- Secret church confessions do not force perpetrators into expert monitored rehab systems.
Any institution, religious or otherwise, receiving reports from victims, eyewitnesses or whistleblowers, particularly in regard to crimes upon vulnerable persons, should mandatorily forward such reports to secular enforcement authorities for further investigation/prosecution.
Whether or not a perp feels comfy confessing to some religious charlatan is irrelevant.