I heard they were suppose to just refer to them now as BIG BROTHER
JoinedPosts by whyhideit
It is NOT The Watchtower Society anymore?!?
by email ini don't know if this has been posted recently but... .
i was just talking to a friend (a ms jw) that told me that he was told by the elders on a talk he was about to give that according to their last elders school there are instructions not to use the terms "the watchtower society" or "the society" or "the organization" anymore... but rather to now always use "the faithful and discreet slave" or "the slave"... .
edited by - email on 15 january 2003 16:8:10.
EXCELLENT! I even voted for that guy, and I never knew he was controling me with the ring.
Why So Many Magazines?
by JH inwhy does the watchtower have to print so many different magazines every two weeks?
the truth is out since over 2000 years, and the truth didn't change since the time of jesus.
so why does the watchtower have to give us the latest version of the truth every 2 weeks?
There are a lot of pet owners who have birds and those things make good bird cage liners. Even better, they get delivered right to their door at no charge. Only problem is, I think my bird is becoming a JW. Yesterday when I fed him, he would not eat while I was close. Then the next day he wouldn't talk when I was near, complete shunning! So I might need to change the liner to newspapers!
one of the anointed deleted
by DIAMOND ini've just been told that a po of a local congragation as well as being one of the anointed has been deleted of everything.
this man gave talks at the coventions.
was on stage at the assemblies to talk about how well he did with his family.
Cleaning out his organization? I have been hearing that crap my whole life. New problem, same excuse!
I dialed 1-800-GOD One night while I was very depressed over a doubt of God and needing some spiritual guidance, I dialed 1-800-GOD. The phone rang for what seemed like forever and then a recording picked up and began to speak. "You have reached 1-800-GOD, please choose from the following selections. For help with family, dial 1. For help with health, dial 2. For help with work, dial 3. For request for world peace, dial 4. For divine knowledge, dial 5. For the answers to the universe, dial 7. For depression, dial 8. For overcoming sickness, dial 9. If you doubt the existence of God, dial 10" Well I set there for a minute and went over the selections in my mind once again. Ten? There was no ten on my phone pad, how was I going to overcome my doubt of God. So I read the list again and figured I must of missed something. "There it is, they never listed a selection for 6" So I called the number again and listened to the recording and sure enough, no listing for six. So I hit the six, it sounded like something was happening. I hit the six again, just in case it did not go through the first time. Sounded like I was being transferred, then a tone. So I hit the six again, then a recording came on. "You have realized that our doubt for God selection is not on your phone and chosen to see if six was the selection. In doing so, you have hit 666 which shows that your pursuit of overcoming doubt has turned to the Devil. Your phone number has been blocked, and you will never be able to dial 1-800-GOD again. Have a nice life, until you burn in hell after death." Well I hung up the phone, a little distort over my condemnation. I really felt terrible. Here I was just trying to figure out this system to overcome doubt, and I ended up turning evil and supporting the Devil. I set for what seemed like days, and then I was watching television and a commercial came on. "Are you wondering what it is all about, trying to put the pieces together. Then 1-800-PAGAN is the answer for you." After my last phone call I was a little reluctant to try another, but I did. I picked up the phone and the phone rang and rang. Then it picked up. "Welcome to 1-800-PAGAN. For information on why we are here and what we need to know, dial 1." That was all their was. So I hit the only selection, one, and waited. Then my cell phone started ringing and I picked it up. "Hello" I set there for a minute. The selection at 1-800-PAGAN had directed the answers back to me. Finally, a selection that made sense and did not condemn me for trying to figure out this whole mess. I hung up the phone and no longer felt lost.
Ky. Bill to Repeal Clergy "Silent Right"
by Kenneson innewsday.com carries an interesting story with that title.
a few excerpts from the article will give you the gist.
"but democratic rep. susan westrom, a former therapist who worked with abused children felt the law should go furher.
I don't think so, I think there has to better way. As a culture we should be beyond such trivia nonsense and should work out a system that prevents such action upon the innocent. I think the Bible is used to often to harm people that are innocent. I went over my posting limit. So I will add a response here. Getting innocent men and woman off the street and convicted is not helping the children. We need a system that finds the guilty and handles things in such a way that children are protected. We should not trade one human's rights for another's. I don't know about you, but if I got wrongly accused and had my life ruined because of it. I would not feel like I was "doing a far better thing then I had ever done." I would feel VERY wronged and upset! I would feel that justice was weak. Also, I have no problem with people being a Christian. I just do not want to see the Bible used to harm anyone, any more then it already has. The whole issue we are speaking about here was caused by the Witnesses misusing the Bible.
Edited by - whyhideit on 11 January 2003 2:29:34
I'm so very depressed...
by Nickey inlately, i've been really depressed at missing out on my life.
from being pulled out of school in the 3rd grade to keep me away from the "worldly" kids.
i was basically isolated.
I read your post and I saw of list of goals and dreams you have to reach for. 22 is very young and I know many people who have started over completely in life at 50 or even 60. Look at it this way, you have more years ahead then you have behind. Don't waste them, now is the time to make your dreams a reality and ENJOY LIFE!
Ky. Bill to Repeal Clergy "Silent Right"
by Kenneson innewsday.com carries an interesting story with that title.
a few excerpts from the article will give you the gist.
"but democratic rep. susan westrom, a former therapist who worked with abused children felt the law should go furher.
I thought it was appropriate to lump them together too. I like the extra heat and awareness it adds to a religion who tries to act like they are whollier then thou.
Ky. Bill to Repeal Clergy "Silent Right"
by Kenneson innewsday.com carries an interesting story with that title.
a few excerpts from the article will give you the gist.
"but democratic rep. susan westrom, a former therapist who worked with abused children felt the law should go furher.
I want to stress a point. I do not get the impression that people want all accused to be convicted. The point I gather from the movement, is that they want all accused to at least be turned over to the proper authorities, so that PEOPLE who know what they are DOING can take the appropriate actions.
Ky. Bill to Repeal Clergy "Silent Right"
by Kenneson innewsday.com carries an interesting story with that title.
a few excerpts from the article will give you the gist.
"but democratic rep. susan westrom, a former therapist who worked with abused children felt the law should go furher.
Even if innocent adults are charged and convicted that's better than one innocent child having to suffer sexual abuse in silence, isn't it?
When we accept convictions that are wrong, we are going down a dark avenue
Isn't it worth taking the chance of losing something (freedom) in order to give a silenced child the voice to protest abuse?
I do not think locking up the innocent is going to solve the problem. There must be a due process of law, and that can not involve locking up everyone who has a finger pointed at them without evidence. Have you ever read "The Crucible?" For what you are saying is ...
"Burn them all and hope that we get at least one witch or two in the bunch"
Nothing can be worse then spending time in prison or having your life ruined, because someone wants to accuse you of something out of spite. Not every accusation is true!
Edited by - whyhideit on 11 January 2003 2:12:8