I got a news flash for you Joe .. many JWS do not attend all the Meetings every month.
I don’t deny that either. This is quite controversial and goes against the thinking of many exmos and JWs. What I’m trying to establish is when you factor things in such as
(1) The definition of a member and requirements there of.
(2) The counting methods used
(3) membership retention as opposed to involvement.
(4) The LDS had a 50 year head start on the JWs. So, understandably they should be bigger. However, I would be brave enough to suggest that they have the same rates of activity.
A very different picture begins to emerge. This idea of how badly the JWs have done despite their vast hours of preaching when compared to other religious competitors, may have to be reassessed. It could be suggested that they may of done comparatively well. I’ve suspected for a long time that the TBM and PIMI are similar in both camps. I really think you need to watch that You Tube video Finkelstein.