If they go totally on line. It will be the end of them. There is simply no better substitute for face to face interaction. It’s how God designed us, and if wt thinks differently then they are dead wrong.
JoinedPosts by joe134cd
Did you think this was it for the Watchtower-(Covid)- Well-They are coming back with even greater ZEAL!
by pistolpete inso you all probably heard that the awake magazine is back, .
and one of my jw relatives said they were told by some elders that meetings and field service will resume before the end of the year.. they said this covid virus was a test, like when the romans breached jerusalem and retreated, only to come back later and sack jerusalem.
Remembering Rutherford
by Sea Breeze inhe seems to me to be the angriest and most ill-tempered of all the wt presidents, especially after his stint in prison and failed prophecies.. “regarding his misguided statements as to what we could expect in 1925, he [rutherford] once confessed to us at bethel, “i made an ass of myself.”” watchtower 1984 oct 1 p.24.
rutherford died at beth sarim on january 8, 1942, at the age of 72.
[220] cause of death was...carcinoma of the rectum..."[21] .
Where there any cases where members should not have been at the meeting but still managed to attend?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inno matter if you are tired, sick, worked late, trudging through heavy snow, or any other reason, you were never to miss the meetings.
missing meetings is frowned upon.. i once went to a 2 day assembly with 2 wisdom teeth pulled the day before.
my gums were still bleeding.
This is a true story about a none witness guy I worked with. He was totally money driven and a total arse. Got married on the Saturday. Then on the Sunday was back at work because he could get over time. Hence during the brief period of 2 years that he was married. His then wife went on numerous trips overseas, and lived life to the fullest. Interestingly his father in law had also had numerous marriages as well. I guess all 3 of them deserved each other. I found out later that he had also been in a previous relationship that had strongly resembled his marriage. Sadly this guy had loads of money, both from inheritance and hard work, but was just an arse.Link +1 / -0 -
Governing Body; Villians or just Deluded?
by pistolpete inare you sometimes dumbfounded at the direction the governing body takes?.
thousands of documents proving 607 bce is wrong, yet the gb sticks to the date, why?.
the generation that would not die, yet they continue by introducing an overlapping generation.. disfellowshipping at a time when everyone is leaving, not a good idea, yet they continue to disfellowship.. here is a video that addresses these questions.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbgeqhp9o9i.
Watchower and BMG agreed confidential settlement ?
by keinlezard ini just read that watchtower pennsylvania and bmg music ave agreed to a confidential settlement .
about "listen,obey and be blessed" by aled jones ?
anybody have more information ?
Will Jehovah’s Witnesses Go Back To Normal Activities?
by minimus inmost every state has a plan to get back to normalcy.
many countries also are ready to get their citizens on the road to recovery.. where does this leave the witnesses?
will they ever go back to house to house ministry?
With a whimper, not a bang
by JeffT inthe thread about old timers got me thinking about trends i see with the watchtower.
i've changed my opinion about where the organization stands.
when i joined the religion in 1973 it was dynamic, even the small congregation i attended sent out three or four pioneers.
I agree with many posters here, that the religion wouldn’t of become what it become if it wasn’t for the business aptitude of Nor and theological mind of Freddy. They were literally a dynamic duo, and when they died so did the religion. To find someone to replace them would be a tall order indeed. I remember seeing an unofficial video of Freddie just before he died. The thing that really struck me for a guy of his age was just how mentally sharp he was. I could totally understand some of deep sounding nonsense he could muster up. I think the biggest concern wt now has isn’t the law suites etc but it is from apathy with in. I think JWs are more prepared to look at apostate web sites,with an open mind, than perhaps what they were in the past. Considering the rate at which apostate web sites are growing would indicate that there is an underlying dissatisfaction with Gods one true organisation . I feel if they do go totally on line it will be the end of them,Link +5 / -0 -
Has someone messaged me ?
by jhine inhi folks .
i haven't been on for a while and looked in today to see a notification that l had a pm .
however l can't see anything newer than a couple of months ago , which l had already opened .
Do local JWs want in-person meetings back in your congregation?
by JWTom ini realize many here think that in-person meetings will return as soon as things are safe with covid.
but many acknowledge it will likely be 2022 or later when this happens.. surprisingly, many pimi jws in our congregation are not shy about saying they are fine with zoom meetings forever and do not want to go back to in-person meetings.
many speculate similar thoughts that are on this site....such as a combination of in-person and zoom meetings.
Heard of one orthodox elder buy a house out in the country, miles away from the KH. His reasoning that KH are a thing of the past. I’ve had similar sentiments from relatives.
The thing WT has to consider carefully if it does decide to sell up, and run with the money, Is the control that they can hold over its members. Not even a year out and an elders letter banning independent meetings. I feel if they become an online religion it will eventually be the end of them
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What is your status (as of today) as a Jehovah's Witness?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inactive believer...still attend meetings, go out in field service, believe it's ''the truth''.
active non-believer... go to meetings and field service to please family... living a double life .
inactive believer...don't attend meetings but believe it's the truth, one day might go back to kingdom hall.