Just saw the following you tube video. It’s 3 hours long, but thoroughly interesting. If you want to save yourself 3 hours, basically the active mormon church is about 3 million. This figure is been rather optimistic and it could possibly be a lot lower than that. For example a document was released in the UK, with regard to church attendance. It was about 18% of what the church was claiming. This decline has increased since the year 2000. Mormon figures are seriously doctored, and aren’t a reflection of what’s going on. If you were to factor in the amount of temple recommend holders, who’s are true believing members, the figure could be as low as 1.5 million members.
This confirms that the JWs could have a bigger membership that is more engaged. I think this speaks volumes for the JW methods involved to recruit its members. Sure, the JWs may be be losing 2/3 of its youth, but they are certainly blowing the lds out of the water with regard to size and retention. Bear in mind the Mormon church also is having the same problems e.g internet etc.