Yes I agree pistolpet. I think wt net worth is very modest in comparison to their counterparts. It depends on how success is measured. If money is the gauge then certainly the Mormon church. If it’s winning people’s hearts and minds, then, at least superficially, it’s watchtower.
This is a mistake, wt made, that has now come back to bite them. I firmly believe at its core, Wt was never about the money, but more in service or time dedicated by its members. Because the world was soon to end, what was the point in investing money in companies. They believed that Jehovah was its backer, so Holy Spirit was going to pay the bills, and not compulsory tithing. Publishing, and free labour, were their income stream, that had been hugely successful. Unlike the Mormon church, the Wt income stream has gone, they made no preparation for the event of this, and are now resorting to asset stripping to stay afloat.
The lds on the other hand, has made some very wise decisions, which inevitably may mean it out lasting wt with a smaller customer base. They have encouraged large families. It was stated on the video that mormons having 3 child families may be the only thing keeping the membership from free fall in the United States. They in force compulsory tithing, and their is a lot of social stigma for non compliance. It’s pushed education, political involvement, pro internet, etc. It’s brought stocks, shears, and property. Wt if anything was very anti these things and Is now paying the price.
The point I’m trying to make, and why I’m so passionate about this, is that Wt has done outstandingly well. It a myth that the preaching work hasn’t been successful. It has outperformed the lds and , I suspect, equal to the SDA, if anything. What makes the difference, is what it’s been compared against. Sure you can quote pew survey with graphs, but it can only go so far, in that it can’t gauge people minds and hearts, to the point that they want to be actively involved.