Removing the DFing arrangement, ain’t ever going to happen. It would probably finish them quicker than going online would. They would get sued out of existence. It’s too late now to reverse that now, although I’d imagine some at the top would like to see the end of it.
JoinedPosts by joe134cd
Watchtower online religion
by Hellothere inif watchtower becomes a online religion, how you think transition gonna be like?
i thought this maeby would happen in a span of 20 years.
when all old timers are gone and just the new tech savvy generation left.
Watchtower online religion
by Hellothere inif watchtower becomes a online religion, how you think transition gonna be like?
i thought this maeby would happen in a span of 20 years.
when all old timers are gone and just the new tech savvy generation left.
Like I said the religion is based on physicality. It’s hard to control someone in an environment, where tracking what a person dose and where they physically are, is almost impossible. Hey it makes been able to eat the chocolate bar and get away with it so much easier, particularly if you have pre existing doubts.
The religion needs to get rid of freeloaders e.g PIMOs. Going online could be the answer to getting rid of this dead weight. PIMOs other than for the sake of appearances, are a liability to the Borg. They need to have a smaller more devoted membership. Particularly in westernised countries, who are willing to part with their money. PIMOS contribute nothing, both in time and resources.
Watchtower online religion
by Hellothere inif watchtower becomes a online religion, how you think transition gonna be like?
i thought this maeby would happen in a span of 20 years.
when all old timers are gone and just the new tech savvy generation left.
I can see there been more disadvantages than advantages to going on line. True, they get to free up the cash they have in property, and minimise their exposure to CSA.
Because it’s been an organisation very much based on the control of its members, they need to have physicality. How could I be summoned to a JC, where nobody knows where I live, or what I get up to. It makes turning up 3 times a year, to account for myself, a-lot more “double life” friendly. This could also be a JW positive, as they religion certainly needs to get rid of PIMO’s, and concentrate more on its core believers. Particularly ones who are willing to part with their money. I’m convinced if the go totally on line it will inevitably be the end of them or at least the religion I knew.
The GB would certainly have be aware of this as they contemplate their next move.
Dirt floors in Africa, Ultra modern Towers in Indonesia
by RULES & REGULATIONS inmatthew 19:21. jesus said to him, “if you will to be perfect, go away, sell what you have, and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven, and come, follow me.”.
jw family tanzania - bukombe kingdom hall.
nothing like attending your local kingdom hall in africa with dirt floors, tarps as a roof, brutal heat with no air-conditioning, and small wooden benches to sit on after a hard days work.. does the society help this congregation in africa with a suitable kingdom hall that would have the local members more comfortable with these unbearable conditions?.
This was one of the things that woke me up. I remember around the time of a remodel of a local KH ,I was traveling abroad in a developing country. I remember seeing this KH, that in my opinion was in very poor condition. I thought, how come there was money for an unnecessary renovation in my local area, yet this one couldn’t even afford a pot of paint. I now know the reason why? Resale value.
It appears Paul utilized Wisdom of Solomon
by peacefulpete inromans 1:18-31.
18 the wrath of god is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about god is plain to them, because god has made it plain to them.
20 for since the creation of the world god’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.. 21 for although they knew god, they neither glorified him as god nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.
I guess the bible is a book that is always self folding in on itself. This event relates to that event. This person quotes or refers to that person. Ultimately the buck stops with Jesus Christ. This in turn gives the bible its internal harmony. Therefore, did Paul plagiarise Solomon? Absolutely he did! Just as in modern times, particularly in scholarly articles, it is common to quote from other sources.
List of Things We Were NOT Allowed To Do as JW's
by Sea Breeze inhere's my list of jw no-no's as i recall: .
1. no giving or accepting valentine candy for students.
2. no going to home coming football games.
But remember you can fly the national flag on a KH property. If the government will fine you for not doing so.
“Hanging the earth upon nothing”
by FFGhost infor those of you not up to speed on the latest jw trends, one of the key scriptures the jws are using in field serve-us lately is job 26:7, wherein the writer describes the earth as “hanging upon nothing”.. this text is used to indicate the bible’s “reliability”.
the reasoning goes something like this:.
“see, centuries ago, people thought the world was flat, or was resting on elephants or turtles, or some such nonsense.
Joey jo jo: you raise some good points about other essential processes left out, that could of saved lives, and it’s vagness in other areas e.g circle vs a globe shape.
To perhaps find answers. Its best to understand the Bibles primary theme, the audience at the time, against the environment and resources that were available to the writer.
It must be acknowledged that the Bible is not primarily a book of History nor is it a science manual. Its primary theme is the fall and restoration of humanity through a mediator. That been said, its in the course of the narrative, that historical and scientific facts are mentioned as a by product to the restoration process.
It important for a bible reader to understand the principles of what is written rather than how it’s written. This has always been the case. If footnotes, citations, definitions, version 0.01 & 0.02 were to be included it would of become more a legalistic code than a moral one. The whole purpose of the kingdom good news would of been lost, to an arbitrary process of grammar, and citations. These resources weren’t available to the writer at the time. Nor was the audience ,aware of, or would of been concerned about weather the earth was a circle or spherical. It’s only in recent times with the rising popularity of evolution that the bibles historical and scientific record has come under increasing scrutiny.
Why didn’t it mention malaria, contaminated water, or kangaroos in Australia. Perhaps for the same reason that it didn’t mention the Ming dynasty in China. They weren’t relevant to the Jewish nation at the time. I guess its similar to telling people about the importance of quarantine during covid. When it falls on deaf ears. It isn’t relevant to them.
It must also be remembered that at the time of Isiah writing about a circular earth, there were more pressing needs. That would of been on the minds of the people. The invading Assyrian army. He conveyed the the idea that the earth was circular. God saved his nation from a security threat, and this is all that the audience needed to know.
“Hanging the earth upon nothing”
by FFGhost infor those of you not up to speed on the latest jw trends, one of the key scriptures the jws are using in field serve-us lately is job 26:7, wherein the writer describes the earth as “hanging upon nothing”.. this text is used to indicate the bible’s “reliability”.
the reasoning goes something like this:.
“see, centuries ago, people thought the world was flat, or was resting on elephants or turtles, or some such nonsense.
“Hanging the earth upon nothing”
by FFGhost infor those of you not up to speed on the latest jw trends, one of the key scriptures the jws are using in field serve-us lately is job 26:7, wherein the writer describes the earth as “hanging upon nothing”.. this text is used to indicate the bible’s “reliability”.
the reasoning goes something like this:.
“see, centuries ago, people thought the world was flat, or was resting on elephants or turtles, or some such nonsense.
Peacefulpete: You are quite mistaken here. This is off the top of my head. But I think the Hebrew word, used here, for circle is “Chun.” Although in this instance it is rendered as circle it is more closely translated as “sphere.” The word actually depicts more a round ball shape object than it does a circle.
Apostate Hunter?
by Lost in the fog inhas anyone heard of this jw guy?.
apparently he writes a weekly (weakly?
) blog as well as having written this book where he claims he disses the claims of "apostates".. to know what apostates are saying he has to be engaging with them or tuning into websites like this one, contravening the gb's direction not to do so.
Find out his identity and go report his arse to his BoE.