I am a former JW, who is also an active practicing christian. The theological term that you are looking for is called “eschatology.” This is based on the prophecies in Mathew 24 and 2 Timothy 3:1-3. I’m sure you will find an abundance of material if you google search this word. Unsurprisingly a lot of it does not fit the Wt narrative. I find it interesting that the JWs were not able to show you bible verses, considering they are an Adventist type group, who’s very foundation is based on this. It’s just there interpretation that I disagree with e.g 1914 etc.
JoinedPosts by joe134cd
Am I at the right place?
by AnotherJohn ini’m still a good christian.
i still believe the bible.. i don’t like the wt society, but some of the people, as individuals are good.
there are many nasty jws also.. i have concerns about current events and how close the end actually is.
I Found Some Extremely Rare Rutherford Recordings
by Nosferatu ini was blown away when i found these watchtower records with rutherford on them.
these aren't the ones that were used door to door.
these are 16 inch records that were sent to radio stations to broadcast rutherford over the airwaves.
They could be worth a bit of money
Pimo's walking out
by Foolednomore inis it possible that jw's would get so worn out by watchtower 's bullshit that they would stand up gather their stuff and walk out of a meeting or a convention.
i can see a small number doing it..
Let’s just say that’s not the first report I’ve heard of the way Wt handled the twin tower incident. I think I remember hearing some Bethelites wanted to go and help out, but we’re told to stay where they were.
PIMOS walking out, in spectacular fashion. I wish it would happen more often, but in reality it’s rear. It certainly takes time for one to truly make their mind up. For me the process of learning TTATT, to physically walking out took about 18 months. Its coming up a decade now since I left. For my mental well-being and for the sake of believing family it was the right decision.
Who says the Pandemic didn't wake up a lot of people!
by pistolpete inthere are actually tons of these experiences.
i wanted to post this one because it involved all the family of born in jws.. post;.
all my freakn dreams came true.
I’m not a fan of DAing. Don’t fix what ain’t broken.
Levels of dependency both inside and outside of the JWs
by joe134cd injust been looking at posts over on reddit, with people bragging of attending the memorial under the influence.
ok fair enough i guess.
but it got me thinking.
So are you hear by saying Simon. That secularism can enslave in another sense. Are JWs happier because the society they live in takes a negative approach to drug taking.
Wouldn’t the need for mind altering drugs lessen over time as person realises the freedom that secularism offered. The ability to make decisions for oneself. I guess we could use the example of Adam and Eve, if it is to be believed. Did freedom of thought or the ability to decide for ourselves of weather drug taking was a wise decision or not lead to a better world. We must decide for ourselves
Levels of dependency both inside and outside of the JWs
by joe134cd injust been looking at posts over on reddit, with people bragging of attending the memorial under the influence.
ok fair enough i guess.
but it got me thinking.
Disillusioned jw- I refer to myself as a Christian freestyler in the sense that you were an independent thinker. Btw I am catholic by denomination, but my black and white JW thinking is not so defined. One thing that has interested me over the years is those that turn to substance abuse to cope. I guess the irony is that this new freedom in secularism just enslaves them some where else. Interestingly I had a conversation with a young person regarding this. He was afraid that he might be called into a JC when spotted by local JWs smoking cigarets. I told him if he was silly enough to take up smoking, then he’s silly enough to get DFed. He’s reply was F*^ck you. This reply was telling I’m my opinion.
Levels of dependency both inside and outside of the JWs
by joe134cd injust been looking at posts over on reddit, with people bragging of attending the memorial under the influence.
ok fair enough i guess.
but it got me thinking.
Simon - there are plenty of JWs afraid to make choices. They are called PIMOs.
My question is? With regards to a PIMO, who is purely involved in the religion for the sake of appearances, but doesn’t live by the tenets of the faith. Where does the susceptibility to alcohol/drug taking come in
(1) As a superficial JW (PIMO)
(2) As a person fully immersed in secularism (POMO)
(3) As the person transitions from PIMO to POMO.
One would assume that when one realises that they were in a cult, and comes into freedom of mind and thought that the need for drugs/ alcohol would become less. Unfortunately I don’t think this is the case.
Could the mandates of been a JW, at least superficially, be seen as a positive thing. My behaviour and views on certain things are a result of my JW upbringing. I’m still much the same person, with regards to the tenets of the faith, just minus the nonsense of JWisim. My health and body has benefited from this.
I agree with “nowwhat” that many on reddit are dumb ass kids. I can’t help but think that many are using the excuse of the levels of conformity in the cult as an excuse for unsavoury, reckless or bad behaviour. From what I’ve read many just transition from one set of problems in the JWs, to another in secular society.
Levels of dependency both inside and outside of the JWs
by joe134cd injust been looking at posts over on reddit, with people bragging of attending the memorial under the influence.
ok fair enough i guess.
but it got me thinking.
Just been looking at posts over on reddit, with people bragging of attending the memorial under the influence. Ok fair enough I guess. But it got me thinking. Would substance abuse be higher with in the religion, due to a unhappy situation. It then becomes less prominent as the person adapts to a happier life in secular society. Or does a pot smoking JW, merely just transition into a pot smoker out side the JWs. If he was in a more peaceful state of mind in secular society, wouldn’t it be fair to assume the need for mind altering drugs would be less. Does perhaps a PIMI who has never tried drugs, become more susceptible to drug taking in order to cope with the transition into secular society. Thoughts please.
Covid is making a comeback. Going back to the Kingdom Hall is becoming more of a Hope, (like Armageddon)
by pistolpete inif you have been keeping up with the news, many cities are seeing an uptick in covid cases.
mask mandates are being implemented in many cities.. many pimos are relating that their pimi parents and grandparents are scared to go back and are having a hard time following the elder's exhortation to attend the memorial, because it might be the last.. a lot of pimi's are saying; that it doesn't make logical sense for large groups of people to meet in a crowded building passing and touching emblems and wine glasses while covid is still around and vaccines have not prevented the death of many who still got the virus.
the elders keep reminding the sheeple that "we must obey,even if it doesn't make sense.".
This is something I was discussing with my father. About the way the GB handled the covid situation. There was a JW funeral in my local area in which it was done over zoom. I remember complaining about this at the time, as the government had allowed gatherings up to 100 people. Covid, until recently, had been well Managed. I couldn’t figure out why the GB were applying the measures taken in America to the country I live in. The answer I was given was that because the GB care so much about it’s people they aren’t taking no risks, even though I pointed out the risk was minimal.
As I was saying to my father. It seems ironic that a family had to see their loved one off via a computer screen, when there was relatively low risk of Covid. Yet if that same person had died in the last week or two. It wouldn’t be a problem, when there are now 10s of 1000s of infection rates. Where’s the care in that. The reply I was given was that the government said it was now ok. Why do I waste my breath!!!
Fattening, greasy and sugary