The point I was trying to make, wasn’t about weight gain or obesity. It was more about how people fail to realise that the restrictions forced upon them by a religious organisation, were there for a very good reason in the first place. Now that they are officially not under those restrictions, I guess, the principles of the law still apply. Often times with very serious consequences. Leaving a controlling religion is one thing, the body been the temple of God is quite another.
As one person pointed out, people’s indifference to a Hellenistic lifestyle, was something that has come as a surprise to me since leaving. I think I’m more against drugs now, than what I was as a JW. I even voted against it at a referendum held in this country. At least superficially, it is still illegal to smoke Marijuana in this country. I’d hope it never gains legal recognition. This is a road, even though I have the freedom to do so, I never thought I’d go down.