Agreed. Your candor is superb!
our daughter is graduating from high school in a couple of weeks.
my wife and i resigned from the congregation five years ago.
we have not attended meetings since my daughter was in the third grade.
Agreed. Your candor is superb!
our daughter is graduating from high school in a couple of weeks.
my wife and i resigned from the congregation five years ago.
we have not attended meetings since my daughter was in the third grade.
jwfacts: "Watchtower Justice" I think that says it all. I too remember the reasoning on this issue and the Reasoning Book. It just defies what is reasonable and what is good. Thanks for your thoughts on the matter. It helps remind me how dangerous JW's can be.
our daughter is graduating from high school in a couple of weeks.
my wife and i resigned from the congregation five years ago.
we have not attended meetings since my daughter was in the third grade.
Our daughter is graduating from High School in a couple of weeks. My wife and I resigned from the congregation five years ago. We have not attended meetings since my daughter was in the third grade. While none of my extended family are JW's, my wife's side is comprised of two parents and 7 siblings, and generations of aunts, uncles, cousins who are still active JW's. My wife's father is disfellowshiped and has went to Alaska fishing instead of attending his Grand Daughter's graduation. (He still adheres to the witness doctrine) There have been no cards, no nothing. While we were not expecting much response to this event from these people, it none the less shows what shells of human beings witnesses are. To think that my wife and I were much the same kind of heartless beings a few years ago is disturbing. Our daughter is an only child. She recieved serveral thousand dollars tonight in college scholorships at awards night. We are proud of her and thankful that we are free of Jehovah's Witnesses. It goes to show you how brainwashed and shallow JW's really are. What has our lovely daughter done so wrong that she too is shunned? She has really never known the witness way of life, not been baptized, or even ever associated with JW's, yet she is an outcast because of her who her parents are. Witnesses spend there whole lives claiming to be spiritual humanitarians to the worlds millions of people, and yet they really don't have clue what being a decent human being is about.
i wil never forget how when i graduated from high school in 1988 i had the opportnity to go to college.
all expenses paid.
my dad didnt approve of it and he was so emotionally abusive that i didnt go because i was told that i had to pioneer.
I don't have a fricken clue why they discourage college, but they have and will continue to do so. I was set to go to college in 1977 enrolled and quit. What a sucky life choice that was! I got babtized in 1978. I was a moron. I did'nt give up though. When I was 37 I went to college a recieved a degree. No help or encouragement from the congregation. After I got the degree I had to give up janitorial work.....and take a real job. I don't waste any money or time now for the publishing company called the Watchtower. I actually have a few missing teeth I could'nt afford to fix on janitors wages. Those spaces in my mouth remind me of a piss poor life of being a Witness and salesperson for a publishing company. Go to college. It's not too late.
i've noticed a couple of times this year in the new study edition of the wt that they really downplay the influence of apostates, saying things like "it's rare that they have much influence" or something to that effect.
i wonder if they really believe that or if they're trying to make themselves feel better.
or maybe it's a tactic to influence the sheep away from the "evil slave".
Jimmy: The internet has overtaken the Watchtower. Why would they even mention it if it was not a huge problem for the WT. I would think the comments that you say have been mentioned in the publications are stirring up folks to look into what is out here in the way of information, Information that makes sense.
do you think they make the best parents?.
the best children?.
the best workers?.
In my opinion: It's not for us to judge any individuals. Having a "view" is too subjective and, reminds me of slipping backwards to the cult ways. The witnesses are set up and trained to evaluate, discriminate, judge everyone and everything on earth and in the whole universe. It makes me tired to think of all mental time spent making judgement calls about so many things. Among Jehovah's Witnesses there are many assholes and abusive people. There are just as many assholes and abusive people in the general population. I will say this-The governing body and the elders may have a pretty rough judgement day themselves if there is god and he is looking to hold someone accountable for all the peoples lives that have ruined or killed outright by the Watchtower. I have fond memories and much concern for many fine rank and file people who are stuck on the Watchtower merry go round. If I could save them all I would.
we all know how hard it is, usually, for those rasied in the truth to readjust "outside in the world" once they leave ... so not to undermine them (esp.
for those who came in later in life - regardless of how many times from the podium you were instructed not to "leave the love you had at first" many of you are here because you found out the "truth about the truth" whether it was the people or doctrine or combination ... and were willing to open your mind, realize the "truth about the truth" and leave.
not to undermine all those years and mind numbing propaganda you endured in the jw's, but i have always felt: .
I was sucked in to the Borg along with my sister when I was 18. I handed over a letter of resignation to the local congregation five years ago at the age of 44. I was a good rank and file witness to a point. While I believed most of the witness doctrine, I knew from day one that the organization was wrong about the end times. How could anyone actually know? My faith in God was stronger than holding his feet to the fire with dates. I guess the powers that be knew that I was not as "meak" or as "humble" as they would have liked to see a brother "reaching out" to be. The PO in our congregation confided in my wife that I was a "proud man". Yes, (I did'nt leave my brains in the baptism tank-actually a cementary vault at the funeral home LOL!) I always kept an open mind. I met a wonderful young woman who was raised by a crazy witness mother and disfellowshipped father. We married when I was 24 and she was 19. We spent many happy years going out in service and attending all the assemblies. We made many life long friends in a serveral congregations. We had our first and only child eight years into our marriage and that is where we both started to question the wisdom of the brothers in charge. Our child was a handful to put it lightly. The brothers said we should not "spare the rod" Our doctor said that this kid was never going to hold still for more than 3 minutes no matter what...We found it easier to stay home and care for our daughter as we seen fit (no beatings in the KH bathroom) on many meeting nights. We faded and faded some more....yeah. Our daughter is graduating from High School in three weeks. She is going to college, she is a remarkable young woman that we are extremely proud of. You guessed right...we did not raise her in the witness ways. We stopped going to meetings all together when she was in the third grade. My wife and I are celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary this month as well. My wife was raised in a crazy witness home from infancy along with 9 siblings. She resigned from the congregation when I did. We had already moved on long before our resignations. We joined up in the Methodist church I was baptised in as an infant and our little family was welcomed with open arms. We are not very active in the church but it is there for us and on our terms. During our fade I went to college and got a degree. I now have a good job with all the benefits that you don't get when you are waxing floors all night with the other JW men. Having said all this, it was just as easy for my wife to walk away from the witnesses as it was for me, maybe even easier to a large degree. Her siblings are all messed up from their upbringing in the crazy witness home and actually they do not have much to do with us. My wife is fine with that if not relieved. Her crazy Mom has not spoke a word to either of us since 1996. Her Dad is at least socialable with us. We still consider many of the witness people we left behind as good friends even though we know they have to do what they have to do in the shunning of us. We just hope and pray that they will find their way out some day like we did. There is life and a good life outside of the organization for everyone, raised in the truth or, if you came in later. You just have to work it at a little. It may take some counseling, taking a few medications, making good use of your computer and reading books like the ones Ray Franz authored, or whatever but, take it all one day at a time on your own terms with confidence, loose the resentment and move on. Do it for your kids, do it for yourself. Don't look back.
my elderly jw parents have been attending the non-dominational church with me.
my father is still hard line, but goes if my mother does
I think this is the most refreshing thing I have seen on this board in a long time. Good for you and your parents! Thank you!
personally, i don't think the organization is reformable.
while i was an elder, i tried to be a more moderate voice and as i grew older any harsher attitudes disappaited from within me.
as they say, all the good (and smart) elders have left.
I would never sell out my integrity, my compassion for the human race, leave my extended family and on and on.... the total package to any organization ever, ever again. The Watchtower has been bathing in the blood of the humankind for over a century. They passed up reform a few million lives ago. Perish the thought! NO, and HELL NO!