Yesterday, after taking part in a community service project with the Lion's Club my wife and I went to one of the three restaurants in our small town to meet with the other Lion's Club members. Would'nt you know it.... there were three witnesses from the congregation we used to attend, kind of hidden around a corner behind a wall having their mid Saturday morning break. We choose our seats in the booth connected to the witnesses booth, as the other Lion's members were already seated in this area. This little Cafe in no bigger than most peoples living rooms. There I sat eye to eye with a witness man, an elder that tried to reactivate my wife and I before we resigned from the congregation. I have known this guy and all of his extended family for 20 years or more. We used to do a lot of things together socially. This man's brother was my best man at our wedding 25 years ago. My wife, a born-in grew up with his wife and her sisters. I have seen them in town many times before this and I always say hi or wave even though I know its against their rules. This time I kept still and ignored them. I looked at this witness guy and he dropped his head in shame. I could feel the energy just leave him completely. All of us Lion's members visited and laughed and talked about our project in a lively discussion. The witnesses just sat there and listened. I fully expected them to get up and leave however, that did not happen. Finally they finished their icecreams and left. One of the other Lion's members said, rolling his eyes...."those were the witnesses". This fellow Lion had no clue of the history involved with this car group of witnesses and my wife and I. I guess if the entire incident said anything to the witnesses it was that people can leave the JW's and have a life and freinds.
JoinedPosts by Thechickennest
Reverse shunning at the restuarant!
by Thechickennest inyesterday, after taking part in a community service project with the lion's club my wife and i went to one of the three restaurants in our small town to meet with the other lion's club members.
would'nt you know it.... there were three witnesses from the congregation we used to attend, kind of hidden around a corner behind a wall having their mid saturday morning break.
we choose our seats in the booth connected to the witnesses booth, as the other lion's members were already seated in this area.
Mom says "The end is sooooooooooooooo close now"
by dazednotconfused ini have been faded for a long time now and of course my immediate family are in "intervention mode".
the latest c.o.
visit in my moms cong stressed the fact that "the end is sooooooooooooooooo close now" - we must do everything for jehovah and his organization before its too late.
Holy crap! Jehovah's Witnesses of all groups should stop saying this! It's crazy! What little bit of credibility they may have ever had is up in smoke....Why don't they make rule #1001...never cry "the end is sooooooooo close."
Please, I need helpful suggestions.....
by New light for you ini've been reading this board for a while, but never posted, but now everything has changed and i have nowhere to go for suggestions- .
my witness husband (robert7) in december, the night before the assembly, told me that he isn't a witness anymore, doesn't want to be involved anymore, doesn't believe it.
of course, i'm a good witness, take the kids out in service a few days a week every week... very active in the first reaction was that "i cant love him if he doesn't love jehovah" and it really looked like we surely would get a divorce in jan/feb.
New Light for You:
I don't have all the answers for you. According to a lot of experiences I have read on this board the process of leaving the WT can be either very liberating or it can be hell. My wife made her decision to leave the WT a few months after I did. Reading "Crises of Conscience" is a huge thing to digest. After you have lived one way all your life and the lights are turned on showing you a different path well, its shocking. Take your time with all the new information. What's the worst that can happen? Maybe you will caught up in a JW elder review process that may lead to you being disfellowshipped or reproved, encouraged or something along those lines. Your JW friends will be treating you different from now on no matter what you decide to do. Sit down and make a plan with your husband about your exit strategy. Make your exit on YOUR terms. Don't exit if you do not want to. We live in free country. You are in the drivers seat. You cound not have picked a better name to join us here on this board.... New Light for You,
Welcome! -
JW's unwritten dress code and personal appearance standards-FROM WHERE?
by Thechickennest inone thing that always use to puzzle me was the personal appearance standards, espessially for meetings and service.
the men always were expected to where a tie, suit, jacket, etc.
no beards were allowed-mustaches were ok!
One thing that always use to puzzle me was the personal appearance standards, espessially for meetings and service. The men always were expected to where a tie, suit, jacket, etc. No beards were allowed-mustaches were ok! The women were confined to wearing dresses, hose and really uncomfortable looking shoes!
I used to have a nasty skin condition on my neck that was made worse with shaving. Finally, I grew a beard for a time....wrong thing to do! It help heal my skin however, I was about tarred and feathered over it by the elders. I discovered comfortable shoes that were casual looking. I just decided to heck with being so damn uncomfortable all the time and I went with the idea of comfort and hell with the unwritten standards!
Where for crying out loud did the dress code come from anyway? Was there any basis to it at all?
What were the standards at your Kingdom Hall?
Has Shunning Caused Anyone to Miss Seeing a Parent Before Their Death?
by jamiebowers inreading about the passing of wings' mom got me to thinking.
my mother has shunned me completely for the past 20 years with the exception of three conversations about health history.
if i outlive my mom, the probability is great that she will die without me ever seeing or talking to her in any kind of meaningful way.
It's sad when this happens however, some JW family members, be it parents or children, are so toxic to have contact with.....the reality is that it is a gift that the relationship has ended to be never restored, even for a short time, when the JW dies. Maybe this is harsh but we all have pretty much moved on in the knowledge that the shunning is not going to end in our lifetimes.
How many of us remember the Jonestown massacre?
by james_woods inby that i meant - how many remember being an active jw when this happened?.
what was the general reaction from the rank & file, the elders, even the co/do?
does anybody remember there being magazine articles on this?.
I was just 19 and baptized for about a month. I remember thinking that the JW's essentially were asking the same thing of it's members with the blood issue. Also, at that time the witnesses were loosing their lives and families undergoing horrific persecution in Malawi. I could see simularities with Jim Jones and the Watchtower however, I put it in the back of my mind and went on in the "lie" for almost another 25 years. This just shows how people can be swept along in a dangerous cult.
An ex-JW underground railroad system
by Layla33 ini have been thinking about this since yesterday or maybe a little bit longer, but cognac's situation situation really struck me and so many others that are in a situation that seems not only like psychological torture, but where someone almost seems imprisoned against their will through the wts society, it seems to happen in marriages, but not always.. i am a big forensics person, so i was watching some mindless program on television about forensics or something like that (could have even been law & order) and they were trying to find a woman who had "disappeared" and what had actually happened was that a group of people who didn't really know each other, had this silent group who would pick someone up from one point to another, get them away from their abusive spouse/situation, and help them find a job and a place to stay.
it took them at least three weeks to track the person down because each person really didn't know the other, they were just one check off point for another.. and i was thinking, couldn't we create a safe haven for those in those high pressured situations?
i would be willing to help start it, financially support it, etc i am just in the planning, thought process stage, but i would love to have an aresnal of help from others, who could assist people that are trying to break free, start over, and all of that.. would anyone else be interested?
Excellent! Keep me in the loop.
Does Fear Rule Your Life ?
by flipper inthe definition of fear in the dictionary is " a feeling of agitation and anxiety caused by the presence of imminence of danger.
" another dictionary i have states the definition as , " an unpleasant emotion caused by exposure to danger, expectation of pain, etc.
a state of alarm .
I lost my fear the day I woke up and saw the oppression the witnesses practice over their adherants. I was made awake with out fear from that point forward. I became involved in the community. I joined service organizations that truly practice humanitarianism. Witnesses don't have a clue how to actually help people. I just moved on.
The American Flag, JWs and Me
by Casper inhubby and i put a 17' flag pole up today, proudly flying the american flag ... .
a major witness no
this caused me to remember my first "incident" with a flag and jws.... .
This is one of the saddest things I have ever heard. So sorry about your loss.
What Was Lousy About Being A JW For You?
by minimus inwas it that you never got holiday candy until the day after?.
that you couldn't be a "normal" kid?.
that you always were feeling restricted, depressed and angry???.
Being attached to the collective. No individual ideas or thoughts. Restrictions on everthing from sex to Christmas. Strung out on power elders and their wives.