Thanks for your candid observations. It put a whole new light on what I thought was the "pioneer spirit".
I thought is was about having more than willing attitude to go out in the service, be positive, be productive, be supportive, yada, yada.
I have had good days and not so good days working with Pioneers. One day when I was in service, I being about a whole two years in the lie, I was going with a pioneer brother in service in a small NW Wyoming town that was heavily Morman territory. This one lady at the door took Bro. Pioneer to task about something, I don't recall the issue. What was hilarious was, that Bro. Pioneer started to argue with her and it ended up being almost a yelling match. It was one of those first out the gate calls....when we got back the car this brother apoligized to me for his outburst. I never forgot it. He was made an Elder a short time later! LOL. No harm done to the Holy Spirit in that appointment!