a christian:
How in the hell did we swallow all this crap? Was it a mental deficit? Were we inspired? Was it the family in the cult that made us? Were we looking for friends? Were we on drugs? Were there not any other religions or organizations that would fill our spiritual need? Did God want to punish us?
I simply look back and I am amazed that I and so many others swallowed the whole damn deal lock stock and barrell and then defended it to the teeth.
What in the name of God were we doing hauling around all that literture and distributing it, fast, before new stuff came out to do the same with!
We wore out our cars, spent money we did'nt have to attend conventions... in our case at least 400 miles one way!
We sat through hours of canned and boring meetings. Wasted time preparing parts that were to be repeated over and again by different borgs.
We gave our life energy and years of our lives for a friggen lie! We sign off on no blood cards!
We shunned our friend and family!
Appreciated your detail on the 14 points. Made me a little upset though!