Some have tried to shun me since I resigned. It always has been in a public setting. They try to do it and fail miserably at it. I always am pleasant and smile and maybe say hello.
My wife on the other hand had a job for a few years in a local Doctors office where the office manager and receptionist were JW's and personally knew my wife. They had to work with her and they were really pissy to her most of the time. They eventially got her fired. A lot of the local JW's were patients there. Some were really rude to my wife and others were perfectly amiliable and pleasant.
To put it in a nutshell at least in our area, the ones that try to shun us have always been kind of anal anyway in the best of times and, so their style of shunning carries over nicely to treating someone like a pile of shit.
When I was attending meetings I never was unpleasant to disfellowshipped ones attending meeting or in any other setting. You know they might just get reinstated at some point and then they will always remember how they were treated by you. I did not wish for anyone to suffer any ill treatment from me.My worldly parents brought me up with way better manners than some JW's who think they are top dog.