Has anyone ever figured out what the cost is to be an average active JW? I am thinking of the JW costume of clothes for the whole family & drycleaning. The four door sedans, the fuel, repairs, and auto cleaning up costs after running a shuttle service at least serveral times a week. The purchase of literature to pay for twice, the contributions to the various funds of the WT corporations, the therapist's bills, the prozac, the legal costs, The missed work to pioneer in one form or another, The travel, lodging and food costs to the conventions every few months, etc.
The list really never ends. Its no wonder the WT society frowns on its members having pets, taking part in recreation, and generally just having their fingers pointed at you all the time about how you spend your money and time. It takes so damn much money to just support the cost of doing business as a peddler and representative of the Watchtower!
The cost is thousands of dollars per year per family. Would it not only be fair to have a breakdown of the costs in the many publications used to brainwash people to inform new recruits about the money part?