Demons can survive in plastic.

by easyreader1970 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • easyreader1970

    Some time back I bought my kid an old retro computer. It was from the early to mid eighties. He's into that sort of thing. Retro things are cool to him. I got it off of ebay fairly cheap and it was shipped with several old cartridge games as well.

    One of the games was Ghostbusters. When it came I told the kid to go ahead and toss that one before his mother found out and killed us all and burned the house down.

    A few months went by. Apparently he forgot to toss the game and it was in his sock drawer collecting lint. My wife found it. I am paraphrasing because I don't remember word for word what was said but it went something like this:

    "What is THIS!?"

    "What's what."

    "This GAME. It says GHOSTBUSTERS! I can't BELIEVE this is in my HOUSE!"

    "I asked him to throw it away. Apparently he forgot."

    "Don't you know the DEMONS can get into your house from this being in your house?"

    "Give it to me. I will throw it away."

    "They might already even be here!"

    "It's a piece of plastic. There are no demons in it. Why would demons be inside plastic?"

    "Are you saying that the Society is wrong and that demons can't get into your house?"

    "I'm saying that there are no demons in plastic."

    My son starts laughing.

    "You all can laugh if you want to. I don't want demons in the house."

    She takes the cartridge out on the front porch and crushes it under her shoe on the concrete. Then she tosses it and comes back inside.

    The boy is still laughing at his mother who has just behaved rather insanely.

    Since I have apparently cast doubt upon the Watchtower, she goes off in a huff. Probably to pray for me that I am not destroyed.


  • BabaYaga

    All too familiar, I'm afraid.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hey Easyreader1970,

    Tell your wife you've read that there are apostates who gather WT books and magazines and perform demonic rituals over them and then sell the books and magazines on eBay just to disperse more demons into JW homes.

    Why is there are no JWs who know how to exorcise demons, if they are so abundant?

  • WTWizard

    That is all too familiar. The witlesses can believe that anything can carry demons. They are in clothing, books, furniture, Ouija boards, and certain CDs (yes, plastic). And they can infest a place with even the slightest encouragement.

    OK, then why don't they infest the average worldly person's houses? They often have demonic recordings, Ouija boards, and books. They are the supposed sources of demons. And yet most of them do not have problems with the demons. I wonder why they would be inclined to infest a witless home because of a video game or a record, and not a worldly person's home where they have nothing with Jehovah's name on it.

    And I have not seen any demons in my place. Nor have I had evidence of new demon problems since I got Satanic music, a Ouija board, a computer (which I have online including to Satanic websites), dirty video games including 50 Cent's Bulletproof (by the way, my chief complaint about that game is the graphics--I can't see what the hell I am supposed to shoot), and Christmas decorations to the hilt. And not even a single demon. So much for them infesting people's houses.

    What can happen is that people can think they have demons. They are programmed to believe that certain symptoms that are of drowsiness, mental illness, nutritional deficiencies, stress, or scientific phenomena are demons. And thus they will think demons. Of course, the witlesses are programmed to think the only cure is to call on Jehovah, which turns off the brain's demon center. At least until the next time they do anything without permission from the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger or lose track of something, and need another guilt fix. At which time the "demon" attacks resume.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Sounds like something I used to do I was terrified of demunz

  • jamiebowers

    If demons can be contained in plastic, why doesn't the gb travel the world to hunt them down and seal them up in ziplock bags?

  • NewYork44M
    she goes off in a huff. Probably to pray for me that I am not destroyed.

    I doubt it. She was praying that when you are destroyed, she can cast the first stone.

  • james_woods
    She takes the cartridge out on the front porch and crushes it under her shoe on the concrete. Then she tosses it and comes back inside.

    Oh no - and in so doing, she let them out within Demon range of the house!!!

    Seriously - what do these people think? Factories that make DVDs, Smurfs, or Ouija boards do a candle-light ceremony over each and every one that comes off the line to specially infect them with a demon? Or, do they come out clean, but then get infected just prior to a yard sale?

    In that weird JW yard-sale sense, wouldn't anything that comes from E-Bay, including old JW literature, custom bookbags, etc., be as suspect as an antique mirror that came from a used furniture store?

    Amazing that a minor kid can plainly see what a so-called adult mind has been too brainwashed to understand.


    Thats funny!..Your kid just got a lesson in how stupid most JW`s behave..He was laughing..I doubt the lesson was lost on him..LOL!!.............Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • VM44
    She takes the cartridge out on the front porch and crushes it under her shoe on the concrete.

    I am surprised that the cartridge didn't resist several attempts to crush it and eventually required that a sledge hammer be applied to it before any dents would appear!

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