Many ethnic congs are closing here too... Young ones have married and moved to English congs, while many young ones leave the truth altogether which leaves very empty meetings with very few old people... Stuck in their old ways...
JoinedPosts by Jaidubdub
if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either
by biometrics infor even when we were with you, we used to give you this order: if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either.
(2 thess.
how many witlesses actually take this scripture to heart and apply it in their lives.
Way back when I was pioneering, there was a sister who was pioneering while on the dole. She always said she was blessed that Jehovah allowed her to pioneer. Maybe she should've thanked the government and the taxes we paid that allowed her to pioneer...
brinjen, I hope something comes through for you...
What are your favorite hypocritical sayings of the WT??
by iamwhoiam in"religion is a snare and a racket".
...ironically, today the wt is a bonafied religion..
Disfellowshipping is an act of love from Jehovah...
Elders raid a SDA church!
by ozziepost inis it true what we're hearing?
it's been reported to us that two elders burst in to a sda church service about a month ago seeking to trap a witness man there.
the man, a witness for 14 years, had become disillusioned with the affairs of the wts in australia after viewing the "sunday" program on channel nine which exposed the cover-up of paedophilia in the witness movement.
I'm sure Today Tonight or A Current Affair would be interested in this story...
My Final Goodbye
by Lady Lee ini want to start by saying i will not participate in discussion here about my resignation as a moderator at jwn.. simon please consider this as my resignation from that position.. i have been posting on this board for almost 12 years.
i know some of you a lot, others a little and some not very well at all.
i have remained here for those of you who have needed support as you make the transition out of the wts, who needed someone to listen to your experiences of abuse at the hands of jehovah's witnesses, and to both laugh and cry with you as you progress out of the watchtower society.. we know that we have all experienced the cruelty of abuse of one kind or another.
I am only new here, but good luck Lady Lee....
JW's would rather have "wordly" people at their parties...
by nolongerconfused inso...i have been completely out for 6 months, never df'd, just completely wife is still 100% active...turns out one of her cousins who is also an active witness is having their birthday...ahem, graduation party this summer.
my wife told me she wouldn't feel "comfortable" if i attend their parties/gatherings because i don't go to the meetings lol.
so she and her cousin are planning the graduation party as i type, and they are talking about inviting their school friends etc etc.
I remember this so-called spiritual sister was having a party at a bar in town (its very common to do this sort of thing amoung the jw's here).There one girl who was an unbaptised sister who was really nice & genuine. We were very close friends. She came in contact thru door to door work & was eager to be baptised. She was vigilant with her per study, all meeting & never missed a month of witnessing. She put us all so-called active jws to shame!! None of her family were in the truth and she also had the responsibility of looking after her ailing parents & was working full time (including overtime) to make ends meet. She had a lot on her plate. She approached the elders to get baptised after a year of doing everything she should, but the elders told her she wasn't giving enough to the truth even though that's all she was able to do. She continued to do as much she could, but each time she approached the elders, its was the same story, "you got to do more". This spiritual sister told me she wasn't going to invite her to her party because after a year of studying, she should be baptised, she wasn't spiritual enough. She also went round telling everyone to stay away from her coz she's bad association. I had a very heated argument with this jdub, telling her she had no right to judge anyone like that. How ironic that at her party she had invited many that had not only left the truth or were inactive, but also some worldly ppl. Talk about being hypocritical & judgemental!
Sign of the true religion? Ummm... I think not....
by juanvazquez88 inhello my brothers in ttatt.
my name es juan, im from mexico, im catholic and my wife is a jehovah witness, expelled, of course.. therefore, she still believes in the organization, and she said that they were fine with her expulsion, cause she deserve it, cause our marriage with me.
any help, or someone with a similar experience will be good for me.
Why Do You Come To This Site?
by minimus ini believe that this site, jwn, serves many purposes.
some are here almost, out of need.. others are here because they want to know the latest in watchtower world.. still others come here for the entertainment.. why do you frequent this place?
This site opened up my eyes to what is really going on into Borg. Things that didn't make sense before & frustrated the hell out of me are now as clear as crystal
This is one of the few places where ppl can understand what it's like being in the Borg. Even though the experiences are so different, in many ways they are also so similar.
A newbie...
by Jaidubdub ini'm new here but have been lurking here for a couple of months.
i am 3rd gen born in but have been inactive for a few years but always had the intention to make another go of the truth, but not now that i know ttatt.
i became inactive due to the inhumane treatment from family members who are elders.
Thank you all so much for yr kind words. I look forward to sharing & contributing to this site...
Giordano, I'm not quite as young as u think (but I wish!)... My mum is from a country that experienced a lot of poverty due to war during her schooling years and therefore never went further than the 3rd grade at school. She knew the importance of an education & always encouraged her children in this area. i am in a good job that i love earning good money. Many jw's I know are now seriously considering going back to uni as they'd listened to the org & are now struggling trying to keep their heads above water...
Jwfacts, I guess I am in a good spot ATM compared to some of the stories i have read on here which I am so thankful for. I know quite a few non-jw's & have started going out with them more the last few months. But some of my closest friends are jw's so hoping I can continue the slow fade & still have them in my life...
A newbie...
by Jaidubdub ini'm new here but have been lurking here for a couple of months.
i am 3rd gen born in but have been inactive for a few years but always had the intention to make another go of the truth, but not now that i know ttatt.
i became inactive due to the inhumane treatment from family members who are elders.
I'm new here but have been lurking here for a couple of months. I am 3rd gen born in but have been inactive for a few years but always had the intention to make another go of the truth, but not now that I know TTATT. I became inactive due to the inhumane treatment from family members who are elders. I literally felt like I was looking at a Pharisee when hearing them on the platform. Let's just their actions were so upsetting to my situation/circumstances that i had considered ending it all... I then came across a post on YouTube showing the origins of the WTS, and then this site.. I was so shocked I was literally walked around in a daze for days, but it all made sense!!! It was like the blinkers have finally come off & I see the org for what it is. I now understood why such things were happening, and I no longer wanted to end my life. I guess u can say, it saved my life. But now I am dealing with the realisation that I have been lied to all those years!!
I still associate with many jw's socially & manage a mtg once every couple months. Coz I usually stay at other friends houses on weekends & have been known for visiting other kh's & ca's, I guess I get away with many thinking I attend more than I do. The elders no longer bother with me as I have set them straight on a couple of occasions over the years when their actions towards me were no only hurtful, but showed just how unspiritual they really were. They now leave me alone, I guess I am in their 'too hard' basket. I have started making the occasional comment hoping it will make others wake up but have been careful to keeps my thoughts to myself from certain jw's. But I have noticed around my area, even though you have some who are hard-core fanatical jw's, there are also many that have suffered at the hands of those fanatical and in higher positions and some have become inactive coz of it. They know something is not right, but just not quite sure why. If only they knew TTATT!! Not sure how I plan to go about completely leaving yet, coz as most of you know, there is a very heavy price to pay. So just going to suss things out for a while...
just want to thank you all for opening my eyes...