this was the very first article in the WT that made me think Something wasn't right with this religion...
JoinedPosts by Jaidubdub
No Hand Holding During Prayers But Door to Door?
by blondie in
Proof of a Kingdom Hall being sold to a church!
by Sittingstraight1212 init cracks me up if you bring this subject up to a witness , they always try to convince themselves that i'm reading into this!!!.
My old KH was a church when they bought it (can't remember which one) and they sold it to another religious group years later...
My granny died.
by LouBelle inlast week friday i was delayed in going to work, for which i am glad.
it was an opportunity for me to help my gran one last time.
she thanked me, told me she loved me and that i would be very blessed.
So sorry for yr loss LouBell
Are JWs more tight with money than normal people?
by Julia Orwell inactually, in my experience, i have not found them to be tighter or more generous with money.
i've found them to be about the same with handling money as non-jws, though less likely to invest their money, but unlikely to waste it on cigarettes, pubs/clubs and gambling like many non-jws do.
i certainly don't find them tighter or stingier than normal people though, and slightly more honest.. what are your experiences with jws and money compared to non-jws and money?.
From my observations, I think it depends on the person & their financial circumstances more than their religion.
It's not customary to tip where I live but depending on what group of people I am out with depends on how tight they are. Most of the jw's I socialise with normally give a little extra, especially when the service was good. One of my closest jw friend & her husband are very generous & giving whether it's paying for yr dinner or a drink, and giving gifts, not cause they have to I.e. Birthday, Christmas, but coz they want to. its their ways of thanking those that mean a lot to them. But they are only that way towards those they consider their real friends. Btw - they are generous to both their jw & non- jw friends. On the other hand, I know some, both jw & non-jw that are so tight with their money it becomes embarressing. I have seen that behaviour with both jw & non-jw's. I have seen some (both jw & non-jw) who are normally generous with giving who have had to suddenly watch every penny coz of losing their job so have had to become 'tight' with their money to pay for necessary expenses like their mortgage and utilities and other everyday expenses or they are saving up for their dream holiday or a house. I have also seen some (both jw & non-jw) that are wealthy but they are embarrassingly tight with money...
It appears the Ex-JW community is having a huge impact on the way funerals are being handled at the KH
by StoneWall injust wanted everyone to know that i got back today/night from my second jw funeral in less than 3 months and that both of them (2 different halls),were handled completely different than in times past.. used to be it seemed like a recruitment opportunity (as many of you have pointed out before), but these last two times it was totally different from previous times.
it didn't seem like they used the outline at all that had been posted in another thread a while back.. that was kinda interesting and refreshing at the same time to actually hear them focus more on the individual that had passed instead of only a few minutes about them and the rest all about the org.
I went a jw funeral a few weeks ago of a close friend's mum had died. The only mention of their teaching was a mention of this persons love of 'the truth' and the hope she had of the resurrection. The rest of the service was focused on the life of the person. It was presented by the deceased BIL who is an elder...
by ADJUSTMENTS inbetween two congregations that i know of four elders have stepped down in the last two months!
there is something really going on in this mandmade organization!
it's busting at the seams!.
I was in a cong for years that was very well know for corrupt elders. So much so that it became a bit of a joke amongst many of the R&F. If any elder lost their position for any wrong doing in another congregation, they moved into our congregation. Within weeks, they become an elder. We had some elders who were appointed that tried to do the right thing. But they had to go along with corruption, step down or move to another congregation to serve. They were left feeling defeated. As you can imagine, we had many problems. If u sucked up to the corrupt elders, you were left alone. If not, u were picked on. That was when I started missing meetings and decreased the time I spent out witnessing. Took me a few years before I became totally inactive...
How can these elders be appointed by god's spirit? This was when I started questioning this Religion....
Apologies for outage
by Simon inlooks like the forum went down (right after i went to bed, doh!)..
i really should get some monitoring setup but it's been pretty rock solid for ages so i've never bothered.. must be something todo with all the tinkering i've been doing and the background job i started running yesterday.. anyway, sorry for anyone who's been trying to access the site..
Gran is dying.
by LouBelle inmy dear granny hasn't been feeling well for some time and has had a problem keeping anything down.
she had lost a lot of weight and gone for many tests.
those tests came back and on friday we were told she has cancer of the pancreas.
I'm sorry to hear about yr dear gran... Thinking of u...
Jan Awake to push the Web Site
by konceptual99 in.
just saw this posted on jwtalk.
it's the cover of the jan awake in german.. the website we should remember!.
I bet we'll see the gb on the front cover soon...
What hell was unleashed last night?
by Blind_Of_Lies ini got up this morning and checked the ol' facebook and i found that it had really blown up overnight.
the remaining witness friends/family i have on there are all riled up and foaming at the status box of the wonderful blessings and other stupidity they have been bestowed.
while they all seem to be talking in code it appears (and confirmed by other threads) that they released a new version of the bible and possibly an app for ishit.. i have a few questions.... first... any idea why they are talking in code?
They were told not to post anything on social media or text others until all congregations had heard the AGM. i guess they didn't want to ruin the surprise...