Smiddy - how do they explain G Jacksons appearance at the ARC? A friend in FB said this: what a wonderful witness Bro Jackson was during his appearance during the ARC. He was questioned by the ARC about sexual abuse of children within his organisation, and you call that a 'wonderful witness'??
I was also on holidays with a group of jw's at the time this broke out. Two of the people knew one of the abusers. At least this group of jw's had the sense to see how 'disgusting & embarrassing' this was & what a bad name this gave the jw's a (their words, not mine'). Another one was not looking forward to going witnessing just in case this was bought up as he didn't know how he could defend this kind of behaviour.
So I guess there are those that do see it as it is. And others that are so blind & brainwashed that anything the GB says or does is faultless.