Topics Started by zound
Einstein out of context
by zound inthe opening chapter of dawkins "the god delusion" talks about some quotes of albert einstein taken out of context to imply that he believed in a traditional god or supported religious views of god.. i'm pretty sure i've read einstein quotes in the watchtower publications doing this exact thing - anyone else?.
Strategy to strike Watchtower
by zound inthe so called celebrity jw's:.
prince, serina williams, terrance howard.. though you and i know they're 'token' jw's considering the life they live.
here's my plan - .
Apostacy a one way street?
by zound indo you know anyone who has 'awakened' that went back to 'sleep'?.
i'm not talking about concious class, but someone who somehow got suckered back into the wts little game.. (i for one could never ever ever ever ever return - but interested if you've heard of people that have).
Watchtower thanks Apostates
by zound insmall thing i noticed in the blanket un statement the society always says.. "when we realised this, we immediately withdrew our registration.
we are grateful that this matter was brought to our attention.".
they're grateful it was brought to their attention.. who are they grateful to?.
YMCA article
by zound inhi guys,.
i'm after some info to show the hypocracy of the gb being a ngo with the un.
some thing along this vein:.
What is the most damning watchtower publication?
by zound ini want to purchase a couple of vintage watchtower publications to help in my helping jw's break free.
some of the older ones are expensive or hard to come by - i know you can buy them on cd's but i'd like to own one or two of the "classics of propaganda"- some of the ones that speak for themselves as to the ridiculousness of this religion.. of course any magazine i pick up today speaks to me of the ridiculousness, but you need something much more hardcore for the jw's.. any recommendations?.
"children" has some pretty good quotes in it..
JW's fight back.
by zound ininteresting article i stumbled on today.
brisbane australia 1941..
How do the GB do it?
by zound inthe majority of your standard jws have no clue as to the topics discussed here - the scandals, lies, coverups etc by the watchtower society.
some will know of certain things but dismiss them.
obviously there's the lurkers and faders who know things, but who aren't really jws.. but the gb, and brothers high up the food chain who know everything.
Ray Franz repeat?
by zound inif one of the current governing body members pulled a ray franz and stepped down/got disfellowshipped then either wrote an expose or something else to go against the watchtower society - would they be forgiven and accepted by the ex-jw community?.
considering they have ray's example behind them i find it more deplorable that they continue in their paths, and personally would find it hard, though not impossible to forgive them - but am interested in everyones opinion....
UN (again!)
by zound inhi guys, i'm new to the site.. sorry to bring up an old topic.
but just wondering if anyone knew if the brochure referred to in the infamous un letter of 2004 is available to read anywhere?
this is the brochure of 1991 (before the supposed "changed language that we cannot subsribe to").