It's claimed it takes 400 million atoms to become a single strand of DNA. How do the atoms know
1.Where to go
2. What to do
3. What order
4. What time
If they are not living or created how do they know these things
it's claimed it takes 400 million atoms to become a single strand of dna.
how do the atoms know.
3. what order.
It's claimed it takes 400 million atoms to become a single strand of DNA. How do the atoms know
1.Where to go
2. What to do
3. What order
4. What time
If they are not living or created how do they know these things
fusion with god natural .
in the cosmos universe or whatever.
all things are made of the same materials etc so humans will always be fused with the universe in life and death because those building blocks are eternal.
There is nothing wrong with science in fact i love it. As regards the guess work im talking aobut things unseen that cannot be measured .I dont see what is wrong with coming up with ideas and why some people are so against it.Its like being in the KIngdom Hall all over again.Are some of you JW's. SO my idea atoms never die and that is valid and the other question is what tells the 400 million atoms to become a single strand of DNA , is that not intelligence and order. It's not trolling it's a valid question still waiting to be answered. Im waiting for an explanation not rebuttal or reprooff or sly name calling.
is atheism a belief system.
after all the atheist believes there is no god .so if that's the case then an atheist if a person of faith.
they have faith in the fact there is no god.
So you will only believe it if you see it. Thats like betting on two teams in the same game you cant loose. Good move
is atheism a belief system.
after all the atheist believes there is no god .so if that's the case then an atheist if a person of faith.
they have faith in the fact there is no god.
Is Atheism a belief system. After all the atheist believes there is no God .So if that's the case then an Atheist if a person of Faith. They have faith in the fact there is no God
fusion with god natural .
in the cosmos universe or whatever.
all things are made of the same materials etc so humans will always be fused with the universe in life and death because those building blocks are eternal.
Im a believer and know nothing except Christ crucified and resurrected. Science it's all guess work .The understanding keeps changing right like new light. One scientificclaim 50 years ago will probably have changed so in other words its all guess work, theories etc etc. SO that means anyone who comes with an idea whether it is true or not is stillvalid tobe explored. SO my idea that atoms never die is a valid one to be epxlored. What is ironic is that soem peope do not like somone putting ideas out there in the ethos. Is it because they hav eno knowledge of it or is it because it does not fit into their belief system whether that is athiest or God based
fusion with god natural .
in the cosmos universe or whatever.
all things are made of the same materials etc so humans will always be fused with the universe in life and death because those building blocks are eternal.
Bur surely Philosophers from history. Are just people who wokeup one morning with an idea how the world works. So in one sense we are all philosophers. But because some ideas dont fit into the box its rejected. One mans truth is anothers lie. So on that basis , im saying everyone point is relevant to some degree or other. There isno ultimate truth among humankind only one person fits that criteria and that is The Messiah Yehsuah
fusion with god natural .
in the cosmos universe or whatever.
all things are made of the same materials etc so humans will always be fused with the universe in life and death because those building blocks are eternal.
As i told you all.I have no knowledge of science . What i said just came to me without any study,research prior knowledge etc.So i shared it with you all. SOme of what i said i belivieve to be true or near true some of what i said before maybe not. Is truth absolute or is it evolving or cominginto recongnition of i
SO if you are saying atoms die then does that mean atoms have been created to come into existence in the first place or Atoms cannot die because they are not living. SO if atoms are random and without orderin the universe how come they form chains to make dna . SOmething like 400 million atoms to make one single strand of DNA .SO do all those atoms have to come together randomly to form a single strand of DNA . What tells those 440 million atoms to come together to make each thing what it is .If there is no intelligence behind it why do the atoms not coem together and make sday half tree half human if you get my point or why do our eyes sit on our face and not our right arm etc etc. Also time is involved. The atoms have to come together at exactly the right time right !.
yes, he was that radical.
im suggesting he put an end to organised religion with the prophesied destruction of jerusalem , the jewsish system, the old covenant and the temple in the 1st century..
good question
Because the end of the age was coming upon their generation in the 1st century. There are no instructions for after the destruction of jerusalem in 70ad. Nothing is written by anyone after this event. Because they were all gone.
i spent a couple of hours trying to work out the poetic structure of john 1:1-18. i have made my first rough draft available as a word document so that others can amend it for themselves.
the text i used is from the niv.
it will be interesting to see the poetic structures produced by analyses of other translations..
Yeha a good effort
fusion with god natural .
in the cosmos universe or whatever.
all things are made of the same materials etc so humans will always be fused with the universe in life and death because those building blocks are eternal.
long live the persecution complex!!