If the word "God" is pointing to the Source of all existence, then God must be the fount of pristine unadulterated love to which nothing can compare. What is this love? I can't say for sure, but intuitively suspect that it must be greater than what us mere humans can imagine.
I can imagine a love that can do no harm. A truly unconditional love. A love full of wisdom and vision that can see and heal the wounds suffered by and forming the most "vile" and "evil" human being. A light of love that can brighten the darkest of dark. Certainly God's love must be greater still.
Is this the love presented in the "God" of the Bible who slaughters at the drop of a hat, or will destroy you or torture you forever if you do not bow to its bruised ego? Hell no! Most every human is far more loving and forgiving than the monstrous deity depicted in the pages of the Bible. But this was done on purpose. The pages of the Bible were written to fill the meek with fear so that the religious leaders can control them. Perhaps the most corrupt conspiracy in human history.
Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.
The God of the Bible has nothing to do with the true Source of all existence; and if you find it impossible to love such a vile thing, it simply means that you are very likely sane.