Closer to the person? What about being the wood that is split, and the stone that is lifted?
I am, and there is no other.
Your answer is here, you just are not seeing it. j
i started a thread after i finished the first chapter of this book entitled something like, i'm an atheist.
i finished chapter three and i have to backtrack a bit, but i also feel the need to explain why since i was so vocal.. first, let me say that i think everyon should read the first two chapters of the god delusion by richard dawkins.
he brings up some very important points about religion and about science's place in our world.
Closer to the person? What about being the wood that is split, and the stone that is lifted?
I am, and there is no other.
Your answer is here, you just are not seeing it. j
i started a thread after i finished the first chapter of this book entitled something like, i'm an atheist.
i finished chapter three and i have to backtrack a bit, but i also feel the need to explain why since i was so vocal.. first, let me say that i think everyon should read the first two chapters of the god delusion by richard dawkins.
he brings up some very important points about religion and about science's place in our world.
Leolaia, Thomas said it pretty well. I would bring it closer though and say: I look out your eyes as the wood is split. I feel the the effort and ache as the stone is lifted. I am, and there is no other.
i started a thread after i finished the first chapter of this book entitled something like, i'm an atheist.
i finished chapter three and i have to backtrack a bit, but i also feel the need to explain why since i was so vocal.. first, let me say that i think everyon should read the first two chapters of the god delusion by richard dawkins.
he brings up some very important points about religion and about science's place in our world.
In other words: stop believing and be still, and know...I'm wary of "knowing" too much. I haven't had good experiences with those who always seem to "know" things.
Yes, we are in agreement here. The knowing that I am referring to is not the knowing that makes you "wary", but rather the first hand realization which is too close, to real, too intimate, too immediate and alive to ever express or comprehend mentally or intellectually. It is a knowing, a conscious seeing and awakening which reveals the actual purity, peace and wholeness of your own being.
Look at it this way, there is a glorious intelligence which brought the entire universe into being without our intellectualizing or believing. It is THIS that is being referred to and pointed to as the core of your own being and existence (the foundational Core of all, actually).
Perhaps a better way to say it is: stop believing, stop knowing, and instead LIVE the reality of your own true Self.....which is here to see if you look beyond all that you believe and think you know yourself to be.
I understand that this all sounds kinda crazy. But when you see yourself, you'll know.
i started a thread after i finished the first chapter of this book entitled something like, i'm an atheist.
i finished chapter three and i have to backtrack a bit, but i also feel the need to explain why since i was so vocal.. first, let me say that i think everyon should read the first two chapters of the god delusion by richard dawkins.
he brings up some very important points about religion and about science's place in our world.
I don't know where my beliefs will end up
When we take a keen look at beliefs, all beliefs, we can see they are mental interpretations at best. They are mind generated constructs which we can write upon a page. When it comes to our true Source, anything the mind offers up will be too menial and insignificant. So, why believe anything about God or rather what that word points to? As choosing life pointed out, why diminish it?
Beliefs have there place, but when it comes to the ultimate significance they are insufficient, perhaps even inappropriate.
I suggest not believing, and instead placing attention -- that would generally placed on beliefs and mind generated stories and illusions -- on to and into the immediate and intimate sense of being and existing in the present moment.
In other words: stop believing and be still, and know...
this is a nice big open board, thought i'd throw myself out there.. recently i had been a part of the "e-jehovah's witness" board.
especially as i don't think i even care that much anymore.
well, 3 weeks after that she cheated again, with a different guy.
Welcome, Jamie.
You should be tired. You are attracted to drama, and so it comes. You are attracted to your tribal deity because you can relate to such a dramatic and chaotic guy. You're lost in the raging river of your own mind. You're a victim of yourself. There is no where to run because wherever you run, there you are.
Perhaps a time will come when you sincerely decide enough is enough. Only then will your life change. You are the problem, and you are the way out of the problem.
hi there, i'm nikitaeve and id just like to say hi to everyone here.
i used to be a witness and was one for about nine years but i still regard everyone with the warmest of feelings and i still believe the teachings.
a little bit about myself; im from england.
Nikitaeve, so are you saying your deity has never killed and never will? It's the devil doing it? Are you sure it's the Bible you are reading?
What I am saying is when we support and champion a belief in a god which kills, as the Jehovah's Witnesses do, and as many other religions and denominations do, then we are condoning murder, and so equally guilty. You can sweet talk around it all you want, but it doesn't change the smell of death.
By the way, I am not heated or full of hate. A person can calmly express strong words. It's the nature of the subject, the nature of the beliefs of a murderous god which reek of hatred and insanity. Don't blame me.
Please don't take anything I say too personally. I am discussing what I strongly feel to be harmful concepts and beliefs. You, dear, are not your beliefs.
hi there, i'm nikitaeve and id just like to say hi to everyone here.
i used to be a witness and was one for about nine years but i still regard everyone with the warmest of feelings and i still believe the teachings.
a little bit about myself; im from england.
My father at least instilled in me spiritual values which were a good foundation for the truth.
"spiritual values"?
Nikitaeve, can you think of anything more evil and vile than the mass murder of of men, woman and children? Can you?
Please explain to me how warmly embracing the belief that billions will be murdered so that you may covet their land and live happily ever after, is not blatantly supporting what you truly know is the height of evil? What kind of "good foundation" and "spiritual values" is attracted to such dark and repugnant things?
Do you honestly feel that the true Source of such a wondrous expression of life and universe can really be reduced down to a tribal god of war and destruction? Or, do you find in your heart that the truth must be far more loving and beautiful, rather than dark and dangerous?
I suggest you do some very deep heart-felt pondering and soul searching; and if you find you are genuinely attracted to the smell of blood, then be the very best Jehovah's Witness you can be. Perhaps, in the end, your deity will allow you to kill a few of us yourself. If not, if you find instead a natural desire to be kind and peaceful, then I assure you there are other avenues to explore, and far more beautiful understandings of the Divine.
Get of the fence. Find your way and be true to it. Good luck.
hello all.
i just joined the site.
does anyone know of a hotline or a phone number i can call to talk to someone about how to leave the truth?
Welcome coolcat.
Not to worry. You haven't left the real truth, you can't, you are only leaving a morbid belief system. The truth is what IS; what is real and ever present as the foundational essence of your own being, and that of all life and existence.
Follow your inner wisdom and be true to it. It is not your duty in life to live a lie that others may continue their fantasy and not be "hurt". The very best thing you can do for those you love is be honest and true to yourself first. Then, perhaps those who are not totally engulfed within a coma, may be warmed by your integrity and example.
So very glad you joined us.
if it was always here, how did it get here?
let's leave god out of the equation for now.. blueblades.
What Terry said.
i am curious, what amount people on this board from their experiences of being a baptised & active jw and their subsequent exit from the jw org (for whatever reason or reasons) are now either agnostic, atheist or do some actually still believe in god?.
your honest answers please.. lfcv.
This is interesting because assuming all of us here were once active believing JW's, now that we have left a lot of us have rejected God altogether.
Some of what may be happening here is that there can arise an innate wisdom that can no-longer attribute an infinite universe to some tiny fragment: a thing, a deity, a god. There is an abandoning of all concepts of god-characters, images, idols and personal deities. This is not necessarily a bad thing; and very well may be a prerequisite to honoring what has no beginning and no end. No longer reducing what is ultimately significant down to some shard of existence or god, the way is open for a much wider and far more beautiful view.
So, in other words, it may not be a rejection of what the word G-O-D points to, but rather a dismissal of limited and minimalistic ideas, beliefs and concepts.