Terry, your "I was one of Jehovah's Witnesses and I stood proud and tall..." post was an exquisite classic, fit for framing and placing on a wall.....hopefully in every Kingdom Hall. May I live to see the day.
Narkissos, there are many, many champions of the religious, logical, scientific and philosophical ways of thinking here. It is not that I "hate thinking", rather I down-play it in attempts at pointing to what comes before it. That, which thinking happens within. That, which unites us even when thinking seemingly divides us. It is not necessary to switch thinking off in order to realize what thinking unfolds within; it is just that a quiet mind can be more conducive to such observation. Thinking is a wondrous and helpful thing; it's just that there is much suffering and division when we come to believe it is the beginning and end of our identity.
I suggest that the null point, or pause, is actually always here as the most immediate reality of what we truly are. It may indeed be most noticeable in the pause -- like the space between these words -- but actually the space is a little glimpse of the open expanse we would call a page, or the foundation which the words rely upon for their existence.
This is what I have continually attempted to point to: the vast foundational conscious-beingness upon which all phenomena owes sustenance and existence. It's here now, closer than thought. It is the silent, boundless, unifying purity that unites us one and all. It is what we truly and naturally are, and so can be consciously realized if there is a sincere willingness to look and investigate, and an openness to letting go of everything the mind defines "self" as being.