J I see where your picture is the court jester. Very fitting LOL.......Didnt they used to call them fools>>?
O.K. so it took the foolish thing in the world to put the wise to shame... Are you teaching Perry???
Well MY vote is for Perry!!!! In MY book you lost....Your rudeness to Perry was petty, small minded, cruel.
Dear Gracie, actually I would be the first to admit I'm a fool, which is why I use it as an avatar. If you read my posts at all you will see I have no animosity towards people, only some beliefs and ideas. We are not our beliefs.
Interesting that the little story you have created in your mind about me ignores the positive statements where I tell Perry "the truth of what he is is the light of my life", and instead you embrace what you see as negative, even "cruel". I told him I meant it endearingly, and that was the truth. Perhaps what really pisses you off is my not embracing your god. This, I understand. Whenever I mention our true Source as being infinite and without end, it most always angers Christians who tenaciously argue for a lesser god. Even -- it seems -- in a thread they start about how "awesome" God is. If it weren't so sad, I'd wet my pants laughing (at least then I would have an excuse).
That I do not embrace your idea of God, dear Grace, does not mean I wouldn't like to give you a big old hug and kiss....or several.