Good for you Gretchen, for waking up.
What makes the tribal gods of the hebrews and muslims any different than the tribal gods of the africans? Or the Mayans, etc.? Why, when you see the methods and the horrifying conditions used to convert, do you not only embrace it, but become advocates more so than those who enslaved you? ... I just really don't get this.
I don't have an answer to these questions specifically, and it's way easy to get lost in the minutiae. However as to why it is we generally embrace deities, my sense is it comes down to a couple simple things: First, the mind sincerely desires to honor its Source, and unable to find an object for its desire, it creates one (big mistake). Second we come to strongly identify with the mirage; and so we fight not to awaken from our slumber. For who would I be without my god?